Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our Lady Priests 1986

To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons
From the writings of Don Stefano Gobbi

Year 1986

Dongo (Como, Italy); January 1, 1986
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Queen of Peace
a "Look today at your heavenly Mother. This is the feast of my divine motherhood. It is also the first day of the new year, and the Church invites you today to pray in order to obtain the great gift of peace.

b I am the Queen of Peace. On Christmas day, I gave you Him who is your peace, my Son Jesus. Jesus has brought you to peace with God, and thus He has opened up for you the way of your salvation and of true happiness. Jesus has brought you to peace with yourselves, and thus He has opened up for you the way to peace of heart.
c This can be born only through living in divine grace, which He has merited for you by his birth in your midst, by his life and by his bloody immolation on the Cross. If you live in the grace of God, you live in peace of heart.
d Egoism, hatred, impurity and any sin whatsoever take away your peace of heart.
e Jesus has brought you to peace with all people and has traced out for you the way towards true brotherhood. Every human person must truly be looked upon by you as your brother.
f I am asking you all to live in one true communion of brotherhood and of mutual love, without distinction of race, language or religion. You are all children of God, redeemed by Jesus, entrusted to my spiritual motherhood, and therefore you must all live with each other as true brothers. Only along the way of a brotherhood which is truly lived out will peace be able to come to you.

g But peace is, today, being ever increasingly threatened. Men are walking in a vast and obstinate rejection of God; they are victims of sin and of impurity; they are incapable of understanding and loving each other, and thus human rights are trampled underfoot; the poor and the hungry are abandoned; oppression and injustices are increasing; acts of violence are exploding menacingly, and wars are constantly spreading more and more.
h In this year, grave threats to peace and dangers of great evils are pressing in upon you. And so, today, on the feast of my divine motherhood, I invite you to entrust yourselves to me, who am the Queen of Peace.
i Be converted, and return to the Lord along the way of prayer and of penance, of mortification of the senses, and of fasting. The space of time which God has yet granted to humanity for its conversion is almost over. For this reason, I address this message of mine to you, with heartfelt and motherly anxiety.
j Listen to it, and you will be saved. Follow it, and you will find peace of heart. Spread it everywhere, and you will help to prepare, for all, days, not of misfortune and affliction, but of hope and peace..”

February 2, 1986
Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus
The Way to the Divine Will
a "Follow me, beloved sons, along the way which I am tracing out for you, in order to lead you all into the temple of the Lord, that you may sing today of his love and his glory.
b While, with my most chaste spouse, Joseph, I walked along the road to the temple of Jerusalem, carrying in my arms my divine Infant and was absorbed with Him in a profound ecstasy of love and prayer, I was carrying out a prescription of the Law and fulfilling the Will of the Lord.
c I am doing the same today with each one of you. I am leading you along the way of perfect fulfillment of the Will of the Lord.
d I am the way to the divine Will.
e It is the Will of God that you fulfill to perfection the obligations of your priestly state.
f It is the Will of God that you give an important place to the life of prayer and of deep union with Him. For this reason, I am leading you to a scrupulous observance of your practices of piety: the Divine Office must never be neglected by you; your daily meditation must be made with calm and love; the rosary must be recited every day by you, with me; Holy Mass, celebrated and lived by you, must be the point of reference of your entire day.
g It is the Will of God that also in your apostolic activity you should follow the norms set down for you by the Church. Never take part in profane shows: do not go to those places which are not suitable to your dignity as Ministers of God; know how to protect and defend the sacred character of your person.
h You are in the world, but not of the world. Do not be ashamed of giving to all this public testimony. For this, I am asking you to always wear your ecclesiastical garb, so that it may be seen everywhere that you are priests of God and my sons of predilection. How it grieves my Immaculate Heart to see that many priests, and even some bishops, dress entirely in lay attire, openly disobeying the laws which the Church has set down for you.
i It is the Will of God that you burn with great zeal for the salvation of souls and that you be always ready therefore for the serious task which has been entrusted to you as ministers of Reconciliation. In much of the Church, this sacrament, which is so necessary, is already in the process of disappearing, precisely because many priests no longer enter the confessional to be at the disposal of those souls who have extreme need of this sacrament of divine mercy.
j It is the Will of God that you be always available for all the spiritual and material needs of your neighbor. Your priestly heart must be open, generous, sensitive and merciful. Only in this way do you fulfill the Will which the Lord has for each one of you and walk along the road which leads toward holiness.
k For this I am leading you each day along the way of the perfect fulfillment of the divine Will so that, in the holy temple of your priestly life, the Most Holy Trinity may receive from you today its greatest glory."

Dongo (Como, Italy); March 27, 1986
Holy Thursday
A Divine Mystery
a "This is your feast day, beloved sons, because it is your pasch. Remember the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. Jesus so much desired to eat this Pasch with his disciples before He suffered! You should also desire to consummate with great love the mystery of your priestly pasch.
b It is a divine mystery of love. You are called to the purity of love. For this I am working powerfully in you each day, to transform your hearts and make them conformable to that of my Son Jesus. I am leading you into the burning furnace of his divine and most pure love, because a priestly heart must be molded and transformed by the Heart of Jesus, the eternal High Priest.
c A priestly heart must be meek and humble, merciful and sensitive, pure and compassionate, open like a chalice to loving God in an exclusive and total manner and then, filled with the fullness of divine love, to set all his brothers aflame with inextinguishable charity.
d Today is also the day of the new commandment: `Love one another as I have loved you.' Un 15:12) It is the day of his binding command: `If I, as Teacher, have done this, you must do it also ii you wish to be my true disciples.' (cf. Jn 15:14) Beloved sons, put yourselves ever at the service of all: you also must wash the feet of your brothers, by pouring balm on their wounds, by sharing with them in every way in their needs and in their poverty, and by taking upon yourselves the weight of the sin and evil in the world.

e It is a divine mystery of prayer. Your priesthood is expressed in a perennial work of mediation between God and men. And this is exercised by your priestly prayer, above all with the offering to God of the daily Sacrifice of Holy Mass which, by means of you; makes the paschal gift of this Last Supper perennial and universal. The exercise of the priesthood in the gift, to the faithful, of the sacraments instituted by Jesus for your salvation is the perfection of prayer, that is to say, of deep union of life with God.
f Above all, the perfection of prayer is to be found in your docile and obliging availability to the needs of souls, which often leads you to enter the confessional, as ministers of the sacrament of Penance, through which you can heal the deep wounds caused by many sins. Through your good example, may the practice of frequent confession return throughout the whole Church, thereby putting into effect that which, on this day, the first of my beloved sons, Pope John Paul II, has asked in his letter written to all priests.

g It is a divine mystery of suffering. The institution of the Priesthood is above all ordered to a perpetual, even though unbloody, immolation of Jesus, which perpetuates that which was done by Him on Calvary. And so you too are called by me to suffer with Jesus, to immolate yourselves with Him for the salvation of souls. Climb the Calvary of this indifferent and cruel century, ready to die with Jesus, that the brothers may have life. To this purpose, I am asking of you, in these times, greater and more continuous sufferings.
h Do not be discouraged; on the contrary, be happy. If you enter into the garden of my Immaculate Heart, you will experience ever more and more that which Jesus experienced in a perfect manner: the joy of being immolated for the sake of love and the salvation of all.
i And so, each day, to the souls who have been entrusted to you, you can say with truth: `How much I have desired to eat this Pasch of mine with you!' " (cf. Lk 22:15)

Dongo (Come, Italy); March 28, 1986
Good Friday
Why Have You Abandoned Me?
a "I am today beneath the Cross upon which Jesus is living out the hours of his painful agony. In my motherly Immaculate Heart, weighed down by his suffering, I hear the cry of his final lament: `My God, why have You abandoned Me?' (Mt 27:46)
b Listen with me today, beloved sons, to this cry of his. It is, as it were, the summit of all his suffering, the supreme culmination of every pain. Oh, relive with me, the wounded and sorrowful Mother, these unspeakable moments of his sorrowful passion:
c the agony of Gethsemane, the betrayal by Judas, the abandonment by the disciples, Peter's denial, the outrage and the condemnation on the part of the religious tribunal, the judgment before Pilate, the horrible flagellation and the crowning with thorns, his painful climb to Calvary, the spasm of the hands and the feet pierced by the nails, and those three interminable hours of atrocious agony, as He hung on the Cross.
d Behold the Lamb who, silent, allows Himself to be led to the slaughter. Behold the true Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Upon the Heart of this meek body of an immolated and crucified victim, there weighs every sin of t world and all the iniquity redeemed by his Sacrifice.
e `My God, why have You abandoned Me?'
f Upon this divine Heart, so crushed and oppressed that I even feels abandonment by the Father, there weighs also all t lack of response and all the ingratitude of his Church, born, h a pure bride, from the womb of his great suffering.

g Again today, in his Church, Jesus continues to be abandoned. denied, and betrayed.
h He is denied by those who put Him in second place after their own comfort, their own self-seeking and their relish for being accepted and applauded. Pride leads many to deny Him in their words and in their life: `I do not know this man!' (Mt 26:74)
i He is also betrayed on the part of those pastors who do not look after the flock entrusted to them, who remain silent out of fear or for the sake of convenience and do not defend the truth from the snares of errors, nor do they protect the sheep from the terrible scourge of rapacious wolves, who present themselves dressed as lambs.
j He is abandoned by many priests and religious who leave the state of their lofty vocation or who do not live in faithfulness to their commitments and who allow themselves to be led completely by the spirit of the world in which they live.
k He is rejected and spurned by many of the faithful who follow ideologies which are in style today but which propose values opposed to those of the Gospel, and they descend to com promises simply in order to always have everyone's approval.
l Good Friday is truly being repeated today in a form immensely greater and more universal than that which took place at the time of the passion and death on the Cross. For one thing that was done at that time, a thousand such are being carried out at present. For this reason, in his Mystical Body which is the Church, Jesus continues to repeat his painful cry: `My God, why have You abandoned Me?'

m This is the affliction of your heavenly Mother, which is being repeated today, as she sees the same sufferings which Jesus experienced being repeated in the Church on this day of its Good Friday.
n See if there is any sorrow like mine! Share in my agony over the flood of sin, over the apostasy which is becoming ever greater because of the loss of faith on the part of many and over the unfaithfulness which is growing like a tide and submerging souls.
o Never before as today, O Church, have you been so likened to your Crucified Spouse. For you too, this is the hour of your agony, of your abandonment, of your painful death on the cross.
But during your Good Friday, there stands at your side your sorrowful Mother, who is comforting you and watching in prayer and in the firm hope of your imminent and glorious resurrection."

Dongo (Como, Italy); March 30, 1986
Easter Sunday
Jesus Is Your Peace
a "The peace of the divine Heart of your risen Brother, Jesus, and of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother which is filled with gladness at the sight of his glorious body, be always with you, my beloved children.
b Peace be in your hearts and in your lives. May peace be the everlasting gift of your apostolate. Jesus, who was humiliated, despised, spat upon, scourged, condemned, crucified, slain on the Cross and buried, is risen today!
c This is the Pasch of his resurrection! The risen Jesus is ever living and present among you.

d Jesus is your peace. He alone is your life; He alone is your victory.
e Share with me in this joy, which no one can ever disturb. Carry it in your soul so that hope may bloom therein.
f I am the sorrowful Mother of the Passion.
I am the joyous Mother of the Resurrection.
I am the Mother of the Risen Christ.
I am the announcement of his victory.
g To me has been entrusted the task of preparing his glorious return. In these painful times of purification, I say to you: `Do not doubt; have great hope!' Jesus has conquered the world forever. Jesus alone is still today the true victor.
h I am the Mother who is calling you from all sides to bring yc all to Jesus and thus to prepare for you a new era of peace. I a the Queen of Peace who looks upon you with the tenderness a mother and blesses you in the name of the glorified Father, the risen Son, and of the Holy Spirit who is given to you a! gift."

Merine (Lecce, Italy); May 8, 1986
Mother of Grace and of Mercy
a "I am the Mother of Divine Grace.
I am the Mother of Divine Love.
I am the Fount of Mercy.
b Beloved sons, walk along the road which I have traced out f you during these years, if you wish to second my motherly ph for the salvation of all my children, especially my poor sinful children.

c You must be my hands, which distribute copious graces to who find themselves in any necessity. In these times, I want manifest myself through you. I desire to distribute my graces through your priestly hands, which must always be opened as a help and comfort for all.
d Pour balm upon the many painful wounds; bring help those who are in poverty and neglect; assist the suffering, tl marginalized, the little people, the oppressed and the persecuted to walk along the road of confidence and hope. You must be the hands of your heavenly Mother, which are always opened pour the fullness of graces upon all her children!

e You must be my Heart, which opens itself to give its mother love. Love with the very beating of my Immaculate Heart. You are consecrated to me that I may be able to form you in the perfection of love. Be gentle and sensitive, pure and humble heart. You must be the help which I want to give today to who have need of love in order to be saved.
f Love those who are far away and who are atheists; love even those who persecute you and reject you; love all, without any distinction of language, race or religion. In this way, each one of you becomes a beat of my Immaculate Heart, which comes down upon all, to give the comfort of my unwavering motherly love.

g You must be the instruments of my mercy. Today humanity has great need of divine mercy. Only through mercy can it be entirely renewed and saved. It is sick because of its obstinate rejection of God, which hinders it from walking along the road that has been pointed out by Him in order to lead it to salvation. It is gravely ill because it has become incapable of loving. The world has been reduced to an immense desert, devoid of love. In it there flourish the bad weeds of hatred, of division, of sin, of unbridled egoism, of impurity, of violence and of war. Only a great miracle of divine mercy will be able to save this straying and dying humanity, which has even now touched the depths of its extreme misery.
h your heavenly Mother. You, O priests consecrated to me, must be the instruments of my motherly mercy. In this way, you will cause new buds of life and holiness, of purity and love to sprout forth everywhere. And thus you will have a part in building, with me each day, new heavens and a new earth, as the most beautiful fruit of the fullness off grace and of mercy, which the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother forever gives you."

June 7, 1986
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
First Saturday
Anchor of Salvation
a "Today I want to express my motherly gratitude to you for your having accepted my invitation to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. You have responded in great numbers, from all parts of the world. Continue to respond to me with generosity, and allow yourselves to be led by me into the secure refuge which my motherly love has built for you.
b In these times, you all need to hasten to take shelter in the refuge of my Immaculate Heart, because grave threats of evil are hanging over you.

c These are first of all evils of a spiritual order, which can harm the supernatural life of your souls. Sin is spreading as the worst and most pernicious of epidemics, which is bringing sickness and death everywhere to many souls. If you live habitually in mortal sin, you are spiritually dead, and if you come to the end of life in this state, eternal death in hell awaits you. Hell exists; it is eternal, and today many are running the danger of going there, because they are being contaminated by this mortal disease.

d There are evils of a physical order, such as infirmity, disasters, accidents, droughts, earthquakes, and incurable diseases which are spreading about. Even in that which happens to you in the natural order, see a warning sign for yourselves. You should see a sign of divine justice, which cannot allow the innumerable crimes which are committed every day to go unpunished.

e There are evils of a social order, such as divisions and hatred, famine and poverty, exploitation and slavery, violence, terrorism and war.
f To be protected from all these evils, I invite you to place yourselves under shelter in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
g But, in these times, you have need above all of being defended from the terrible snares of my Adversary, who has succeeded in establishing his reign in the world. It is the reign which is opposed to Christ; it is the reign of the Antichrist. In this last part of your century, this reign of his will reach the peak of its strength, of its power, of its great seduction. The hour is in preparation when the man of iniquity, who wants to put himself in the place of God to have himself adored as God, is about to manifest himself in all his power.
h Under the bloody scourge of this terrible trial, how are you to avoid being scattered and discouraged and to remain strong in the faith and faithful only to Jesus and to his Gospel? My Immaculate Heart will become your strongest defense, the shield of protection which will safeguard you from every attack of my Adversary.
i But today you have special need of being consoled. To whom will you be able to turn in the painful moments which are awaiting you, when the great apostasy will reach its peak and humanity will arrive at the summit of denial of God and of rebellion, of iniquity and discord, of hatred and destruction, of wickedness and impiety?
j In my Immaculate Heart you will be consoled! For this reason, I say again to each one of you today that which I said at Fatima to my daughter, Sister Lucy: `My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the sure way which will lead you to God.' On this day, dedicated by the Church to its particular veneration, I desire that my Immaculate Heart appear as the anchor of salvation for all."

Valdragone (San Marino); July 4, 1986
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle
(Message given orally after the evening procession)
A Spirit of Joy and of Consolation
a "Beloved sons, I do not want to let you go down from this mountain, where, for an entire week, you have remained united with me in an unceasing prayer and in a lived-out experience of brotherhood, willed and guided by me, without telling you of all the joy experienced, during these days, by the Immaculate Heart of your very sorrowful heavenly Mother.
b Your love has been a gentle balm on all my wounds. Your prayer, made with me, has been a powerful force which you have given me to offer to the justice of the Father and in order to obtain for you, very soon, the rain of fire and of grace of the Holy Spirit, who will renew and transform the whole world, thus bringing to completion the greatest miracle of the merciful love of my Son Jesus.
c I do not want to let you go down from this mountain, without telling each and every one of you of my motherly gratitude. During these days you have entered into the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart. Look at my Heart; enter into my Heart; live always in my Heart, and a spirit of joy and of consolation will come upon you.
d You have come up here with many preoccupations, marked by many sufferings and also enveloped by an all-too-human discouragement. You have climbed up here, asking yourselves, in your heart, what new thing your Mother from heaven has to say to you this year.

e Beloved sons, look at my Immaculate Heart, and there will come down upon you a spirit of joy and of consolation.
f I am your Mother: I see the difficulties in which you are living, the heavy sorrow of these days of yours, the bloody hours which await you in the purification through which you are living. I see with what sadness your life is sometimes marked. I see also the moments in which you are oppressed by distress and discouragement, because today my Adversary is ensnaring you, above all with doubt and mistrust.
g Look to my Immaculate Heart, and within you, like a gushing fount, will flow forth a spirit of joy and consolation.
h Why do you doubt? Why are you sad? I am at your side at all times; I never leave you. I am Mother, and I am drawn close to you by the weight of the great difficulties in which you are living today.
i From my Heart there comes a ray of light: it is the light of your Mother, faithful Virgin, which enlightens your mind and draws it gently to understand the mystery of the word of God and to penetrate deeply the secret of the Gospel.
j In the darkness which has come down upon the world and is spreading throughout the Church, how many minds are becoming obscured by errors and dried up by the ever widening spread of doubts; how many intellects are being contaminated with error which leads many to become lost and to stray from the way of the true faith.
k These are the times in which many in the Church are losing the faith, even from among my beloved sons.
l If you look to my Immaculate Heart and allow yourselves to be penetrated by the ray of my light, your minds will obtain the gift of divine wisdom and will be drawn by the beauty of the truth which Jesus has revealed to you. The daily food of your mind will be only the word of God. Love it; seek it; guard it; defend it; live it. Thus, as the great apostasy spreads, you will walk in the joy and in the consolation of remaining ever in the truth of the Gospel.
m When you came up here, I looked at your souls, the garden of my celestial and motherly domain, and I saw them to be still darkened by sins, which you often commit, because of your very human fragility. In you there are no grave sins, since you are seeking not to commit them any more. But even the little ones, which you call venial, displease my Heart. These can be egoism, attachment to yourselves, the inability to believe and to entrust yourselves to me with the docility of little children, the daily compromises with the world and attachment to creatures and to your way of thinking. These are little shadows which obscure the beauty of your soul. During these days, my motherly hand has passed along to wipe out all these shadows.
n Walk in the joy and in the consolation of feeling that you are loved and led by me to become purer, better, more loving, holier, more beautiful. Your souls must return from this mountain more luminous and renewed by the grace of Jesus, while the Father bends down over them with a love of predilection and my divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit, transforms them into perfect copies of my Son.

o You came up here, and I saw your hearts, one by one: they are consumed with great aridity, closed in upon themselves and hardened by the trials in which you are living. And so, as Mother, I have drawn close to each one of you; I have taken your heart in my hands; I have placed it into the burning furnace of my motherly Heart, and I have brought it into the depths of the divine Heart of my Son Jesus. Look at this Heart: it has been pierced for you! Enter into the wound of the Heart of Jesus, and allow yourselves to be transformed each day by the burning fire of his divine love. This Heart is a sea of infinite love, and it gathers in every human weakness, burns up every sin and calls to an ever greater charity, because Love must be loved, and every gift demands its own response. In here, as gold in the crucible, your hearts become continually transformed by the flame of an ardent charity, and thus you become ever more docile, humble, meek, merciful, good, little, pure.
p Behold, formed in the infinite sea of divine love, your new hearts and new spirits are born, that you may be witnesses of love, bringing love everywhere, and thus become, you yourselves, spirits of joy and of consolation for everyone.
q Do you still not understand that these are the years of the painful purification which is about to come to its most bloody finish? Why do you still ask questions? These are my years. This is the reason why I have wanted you here again, and, during these Spiritual Exercises which have been a continuous cenacle, I have given extraordinary graces to each one of you. For the present you do not understand, because they are like a seed placed in your soul, but later on you will understand; and then, you will look up here, to this mountain, and you will comprehend that which I have done for you during these days.
r Here, this has been a true cenacle, like that of Jerusalem! Here, you my apostles have been united in prayer with me, because the new Pentecost is at the doors. Here, I have introduced you to an understanding of the secret of my Immaculate Heart so that, as you go down from this mountain, you yourselves may become my sign of joy and of consolation for all.
s You cannot go back the way you came up. Go down with me. Look at this withered humanity. How many of my children are dead, because they have been slain by sin and hatred, by violence and impurity, victims of vice and of drugs. They are my children: desperate, afflicted, in need of help. With your love, speak my motherly word to them, and be, for them, my sign of joy and of consolation.
t And then enter into the heart of my Church. Be signs of joy and of consolation for the Pope, the first of my beloved sons, who is suffering so much today, abandoned, criticized, and contradicted. You must be the support of love, which my motherly Heart wishes to give him. Because even he has need today of a spirit of joy and of consolation, and I want to give it to him through you, my priests and my beloved sons. Love the Pope; follow him; defend him.
u Enter into an understanding of the mystery of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ, which is divided and torn today and which you must restore in its unity. This Body is being mocked today; it is being scourged once again by sins which are spreading ever more and more. Make reparation for all sins, by helping many of my children to free themselves from them, through the use of the sacrament of Reconciliation which, by means of you, must once again shine throughout all the Church.
v Bend down with me to kiss the wounds of this most beloved Daughter of mine, whose sons you also are, because the Church can be renewed only through the power of your priestly love.
w Thus you become signs of the new era which is beginning even now in the bitter winter of its most painful purification. In the agony through which she is still living, you are the chalice of mfort which the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother giving her to drink, that she may regain strength and walk th joy. And so you become today a spirit of joy and of consolation for the whole Church.

x Do not allow yourselves to become discouraged. My triumph s already begun. In your hearts and in the silence of your priestly lives, consecrated to me and immolated by me, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart has already begun.
y Thank you for the comfort which you have given me. I welcome the desires and the questions which you bring to me. I bless your apostolate, the souls entrusted to you and your difficult ministry. I bless your lives. They are precious to me.
z You will go down from this mountain tomorrow, to return to your homes. I am accompanying you with my motherly blessing. Do not be afraid any more. I am always with you. In you and by means of you, I am the beginning of the new times. I am the Mother of Hope and of Consolation. I am the Queen Peace.
A I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holv Spirit."

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); July 30, 1986
Ark of the New Covenant
a "Beloved children, I am leading you each day along the road of your perfect imitation of my Son Jesus. Only in this way can you become today a sign of joy and of consolation for all. These are the painful years of the trial. This has already been foretold to you by me, in many ways and with many signs.
b But who believes me? Who listens to me? Who truly pledges himself to change his life? I am caught between two swords, which pierce my motherly Heart. On the one hand I see the great danger into which you are running, because of the chastisement which is already at the doors, and on the other I see your inability to believe and to accept the invitations to conversion, which I am giving you, so that you may flee from it.
c And so I turn again to you, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me, and I invite you to climb above the world, above your daily preoccupations, above your disordinate attachments to creatures and to yourselves, above mediocrity and tepidity, above an ever widening aridity.
d Enter into the refuge which your heavenly Mother has pr pared for you, for your salvation and that you may be able to pass in safety, in my Immaculate Heart, the terrible days of the great tempest which is already at hand.

e This is the moment for all to take refuge in me, because I am the Ark of the New Covenant.
f At the time of Noah, immediately before the flood, those whom the Lord had destined to survive his terrible chastisement entered into the ark. In these your times, I am inviting al. my beloved children to enter into the Ark of the New Covenant which I have built in my Immaculate Heart for you, that they may be assisted by me to carry the bloody burden of the great trial, which precedes the coming of the day of the Lord.
g Do not look anywhere else. There is happening today what happened in the days of the flood, and no one is giving a thought to what is awaiting them. Everyone is much occupied in thinking only of themselves, of their own earthly interests, of pleasures and of satisfying in every sort of way, their own disordinate passions.
h Even in the Church, how few there are who concern themselves with my motherly and most sorrowful admonitions!
i You at least, my beloved ones, must listen to me and follow me. And then, through you, I will be able to call everyone tc enter as quickly as possible into the Ark of the New Covenant and of salvation, which my Immaculate Heart has prepared for you, in view of these times of chastisement.
j Here you will be in peace, and you will be able to become signs of my peace and of my motherly consolation for all my poor children."

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); August 6, 1986
Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Climb the Mountain
a "Climb today with me up the mountain of my peace, beloved children. Climb up the mountain of salvation and of prayer, of purity and of holiness, of docility and of meekness, of humility, of littleness and of your ever more perfect charity.
b Climb up the holy mountain of your personal transfiguration, through an ever increasing conformation of yourselves to the divine humanity of my Son Jesus, through a filial abandonment to the love of the Heavenly Father and through a daily docility to the purifying action of the Holy Spirit. Thus you yourselves will be able to benefit from the gift of a complete transformation, in the glorious light of Christ who, in you and through you, wishes to manifest Himself in a greater way, in these times, in order to renew the whole world with the power of his merciful love.
c On this holy mountain, you will also feel the extraordinary presence and the special action of your heavenly Mother, who wants every day to transfigure you into the very person of Jesus, so that you may become today a powerful witness of his love for you.
d Here I am gently preparing you for the painful moments of the cross and of martyrdom. For you also, the days of abandonment, of agony and of immolation have already come. The great events which I have foretold to you during these years have arrived. Soon you will all be called to your most painful witnessing. And then you will be able to become, for all, the rays of light which come forth from my Immaculate Heart to reach every part of the world, in order to cast light upon the dark moments through which you are already about to live.
e Thus you will assist my motherly plan, which is that of cooperating in the fulfillment of the greatest miracle of the merciful love of Jesus, who is even now about to pour out rivers of fire and of grace upon the world.”

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); August 8, 1986
(Message given orally after the recitation of the holy rosary)
Mother of the Eucharist
a "Beloved sons, how my Heart is filled with joy in seeing you here, on a priestly pilgrimage of adoration, of love, of reparation and of thanksgiving to Jesus, my Son and my God, present in the Eucharist, to console Him for the great emptiness, the great ingratitude and the great indifference, with which He is surrounded in his real and loving presence in all the tabernacles of the earth, on the part of so many of my children, and especially on the part of so many of my beloved sons, the priests.
b Thank you for the joy which you are giving to the Heart of Jesus, who is smiling upon you with pleasure, as He is transported with tenderness for you. Thank you for the joy which you give to the deep sorrow of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother.

c I am the Mother of the Most Blessed Sacrament. I became such by my yes because, at the moment of the incarnation, I made it possible for the Word of the Father to place Himself in my virginal womb, and, though I am also truly the Mother of God because Jesus is true God, my collaboration nevertheless took concrete form most of all in giving the Word his human nature. This made it possible for Him, who is the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity and coeternal Son with the Father, to become also man in time, truly your Brother.
d By his assuming human nature, it was possible for Him to carry out the work of redemption. Just as I am Mother of the Incarnation, so also am I Mother of the Redemption, a redemption which was carried out from the moment of the incarnation up to the moment of his death on the Cross, where, because of the humanity which He had assumed, Jesus was able to carry out that which, as God, it was not possible for Him to do: to suffer, to undergo his passion and to die, offering Himself as a perfect ransom to the Father and making a worthy and just reparation to his justice.
e Truly, He has suffered for you all, redeeming you from sin and opening you up to the possibility of receiving that divine life which was lost for all, at the moment when the first sin was committed by your first parents.
f Look at Jesus as He loves, works, prays, suffers and immolates Himself, from his descent into my virginal womb to his ascent upon the Cross, in this his unceasing priestly action, so that you may understand how I am above all Mother of Jesus, the Priest.

g I am therefore also true Mother of the Most Blessed Eucharist. Not cause I beget Him again to this mysterious reality upon the tar. That task is reserved only to you, my beloved sons! Nevertheless, it is a task which assimilates you very closely to my maternal function because you also, during Holy Mass and by means E the words of consecration, truly beget my Son. For me, the old manger of a poor and bare cave received Him; for you, it is aw the cold stone of an altar which welcomes Him. But you so, as I, give birth to my Son. This is why you cannot but be sons of a special, indeed a most special, predilection on the part Flier who is Mother, true Mother of her Son Jesus.
h But I am also true Mother of the Eucharist, because Jesus becomes truly present, at the moment of the consecration, through your priestly action. By your human yes to the powerful action of the Spirit, which transforms the matter of the bread and the me into the body and the blood of Christ, you make possible for Him this new and real presence of his among you.
i And He becomes present in order to continue the work of to incarnation and redemption and in order to accomplish, in mystery, the Sacrifice of Calvary, which He was able to offer to the Father because of his human nature, assumed with the body which I had given Him. Thus, in the Eucharist, Jesus becomes present with his divinity and with his glorious body, that body given to Him by your heavenly Mother, a true body, born of the Virgin Mary.
j Sons, his is a glorious body, but it is not a different one; that is say, there is no question of a new birth of his. In effect, it is the me body which I gave Him: born at Bethlehem, dead on Calvary, placed in the sepulcher and risen from there, taking on however a new form, his divine form, that of glory In heaven, Jesus, with his glorious body, remains the Son of Mary. Thus, He whom, with his divinity, you beget at the moment of the Eucharistic consecration, is ever the Son of Mary.

k I am therefore the Mother of the Eucharist.
l And, as Mother, I am always at the side of my Son. I was there on this earth; I am there now in paradise, in virtue of the privilege of my bodily assumption into heaven; and I am still to be found wherever Jesus is present, in every tabernacle on earth.
m Just as his glorious body, being beyond the limits of time and space, allows Him to be here before you, in the tabernacle of this little mountain church but at the same time allows Him to be present in all the tabernacles spread throughout every part of the world, so also your heavenly Mother, with her glorious body, which permits her to be both here and in every other place, is truly near every tabernacle in which Jesus is kept.
n My Immaculate Heart becomes, for Him, a living, beating, motherly tabernacle of love, of adoration, of thanksgiving and of unceasing reparation.

o I am the joyful Mother of the Eucharist.
p You know, beloved sons, that wherever the Son is, there too the Father and the Holy Spirit are always present. Just as, in the glory of heaven, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, in intimate union with the Holy Spirit, so also when, at your bidding, He becomes present in the Eucharist and is placed in the safekeeping of the tabernacle, surrounded by my motherly Heart, close to the Son there is always the real presence of the Father and the real presence of the Holy Spirit; there is always present the Divine and Most Holy Trinity.
q But, as in heaven, so also at the side of every tabernacle, there is the enraptured and joyful presence of your heavenly Mother. Then, there are all the angels, arranged in their nine choirs of light, to sing, in diverse modulations of harmony and glory the omnipotence of the Most Holy Trinity, as if to make its great and divine power appear in different degrees. About the choirs of angels are all the saints and the blessed who, from the very light, the love, the unending joy, and the immense glory which issues forth from the Most Holy Trinity, receive a continuous increase of their eternal and ever greater beatitude.
r To this summit of paradise, there also ascend the profound inspirations, the purifying sufferings and the unceasing prayer of all the souls in purgatory. Toward it they strain forward with a desire and a charity which becomes ever greater, the perfection of which is proportionate to their progressive release from every debt, owed because of their fragility and their sins, until the moment when, perfectly renewed by love, they can join in the heavily song that arises about the Most Holy and Divine Trinity, at is found in heaven and in every tabernacle where Jesus is present, even in the most remote and isolated parts of the earth.
s This is why, there at the side of Jesus, I am the joyful Mother the Eucharist.

t I am the sorrowful Mother of the Eucharist.
u With the Church, Triumphant and Suffering, which palpitates around the center of love, which is the Eucharistic Jesus, the Church Militant should also be gathered together; you should all gather together, my beloved sons, religious and faithful, in order to form, with heaven and purgatory, an unceasing hymn of adoration and praise.
v Instead, today, Jesus in the tabernacle is surrounded by much emptiness, much neglect and much ingratitude. These times were foretold by me at Fatima, through the voice of the Angel who appeared to the children to whom he taught this prayer: `Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is surrounded...'
w This prayer was taught for these times of yours.
x Jesus is surrounded today by an emptiness, which has been brought about especially by you priests who, in your apostolic activity, often go about uselessly and very much on the periphery, going after things which are less important and more secondary and forgetting that the center of your priestly day should be here, before the tabernacle, where Jesus is present and is kept especially for you.
y He is also surrounded by the indifference of many of my children, who live as if He were not there and, when they enter church for liturgical functions, are not aware of his divine and real presence in your midst. Often Jesus in the Eucharist is placed in some isolated corner whereas He should be placed in the center of the church, and He should be placed at the center of your ecclesial gatherings, because the church is his temple which has been built first for Him and then for you.
z What causes deep bitterness to my motherly Heart is the way in which Jesus, present in the tabernacle, is treated in many churches, where He is placed in a little corner, as though He were some object or other to be made use of, for your ecclesial gatherings.
A But above all, it is the sacrileges which today form, around my Immaculate Heart, a painful crown of thorns. In these times, how many communions are made, and how many sacrileges perpetrated! It can be said that there is no longer any Eucharistic celebration where sacrilegious communions are not made. If you only saw with my eyes how great this wound is which has contaminated the whole Church and paralyzes it, halts it, and makes it impure and so very sick! If you only saw with my eyes, you too would shed copious tears with me.

B And so, my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Heart, it is you who must be today a clarion call for the full return of the whole Church Militant to Jesus present in the Eucharist. Because there alone is to be found the spring of living water which will purify its aridity and renew the desert to which it has been reduced; there alone is to be found the secret of life which will open up for it a second Pentecost of grace and of light; there alone is to be found the fount of its renewed holiness: Jesus in the Eucharist!
C It is not your pastoral plans and your discussions; it is not the human means on which you put reliance and so much assurance, but it is only Jesus in the Eucharist which will give to the whole Church the strength of a complete renewal, which will lead it to be poor, evangelical, chaste, stripped of all those supports on which it relies, holy, beautiful and without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of your heavenly Mother.
D I desire that this message of mine be made public and be numbered among those contained in my book. I desire that it be spread throughout the whole world because I am calling you today from every part of the earth to be a crown of love, of adoration, of thanksgiving and of reparation, upon the Immaculate Heart of her who is true Mother -joyful Mother but also most sorrowful Mother - of the Most Holy Eucharist.
E I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Bagni di Tivoli (Rome, Italy); August 15, 1986
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
You Will Give Peace of Heart
a "Look at your heavenly Mother, assumed into the glory of paradise, even with her body. Today I am causing a shower of graces to fall upon you all, my children.
b The light from my glorious body is shining on you and pointing out to you the road you must follow. It is that of purity, of love, of prayer, of suffering, of holiness. It is that of a life united intimately to Jesus. Thus you also, even while living on this earth, can be illumined and surrounded by the light which is shining up here in paradise.
c The light from my glorious body is shining for you with increasing strength, especially in these very difficult and painful times, in order to console you and encourage you in all your daily difficulties. Today you are being called to live through the bloody hours of the purification, because the great events which I have foretold to you during these years are already upon you.
d And so you have need of my motherly consolation in order not to become discouraged. Look to paradise where your heavenly Mother has been assumed in body and soul, and you will be consoled by me. Live, with heart and soul, in paradise, where Jesus has already prepared a place for each one of you, and nothing will disturb your peace.
e The light from my glorious body will draw you in the wake of my most exquisite fragrance. It is the fragrance of all the virtues which have adorned the garden of my earthly existence. It is the celestial aroma of all my immaculate beauty.
f Today I want to sprinkle you all with the exquisite fragrance of purity, of humility, of simplicity, of silence, of prayer, of docility, of obedience, of contemplation.
g Then you too will spread the heavenly fragrance of your immaculate Mother. And thus you will give peace of heart to all, and you will become today instruments of my peace. Because you are the beloved children of your Mother, assumed into the glory of heaven and who, in these times, desires to be invoked by all as Queen of Peace."

Dongo (Como, Italy); September 6, 1986
Anniversary of the Miracle of the Tears
First Saturday
My Heart Is Bleeding
a "I am your most sorrowful Mother. Again today, I am causing copious tears to fall from my merciful eyes. They want to make you understand how great the sorrow of the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother is.
b My Heart is bleeding.
c My Heart is transfixed with deep wounds.
d My Heart is immersed in a sea of sorrow.
e You live unconscious of the fate which is awaiting you. You are spending your days in a state of unawareness, of indifference and of complete incredulity. How is this possible when I, in so many ways and with extraordinary signs, have warned you of the danger into which you are running and have foretold you of the bloody ordeal which is just about to take place?

f - Because this humanity has not accepted my repeated c to conversion, to repentance, and to a return to God, there - about to fall upon it the greatest chastisement which the history of mankind has ever known. It is a chastisement much great than that of the flood. Fire will fall from heaven, and a great p~ of humanity will be destroyed.

g -The Church of Jesus is wounded with the pernicious plague of infidelity and apostasy. In appearance, everything remains calm, and it seems that all is going well. In reality, it is being pervade with an ever widening lack of faith which is spreading the great apostasy everywhere. Many bishops, priests, religious and faithful no longer believe and have already lost the true faith in Jest and in his Gospel. For this reason, the Church must be purified, with persecution and with blood.
h – There has also entered into the Church disunity, division, strife and antagonism. The forces of atheism and Masonry, having infiltrated within it, are on the point of breaking up its interior unity and of darkening the splendor of its sanctity. These are the times, foretold by me, when cardinals will be set against cardinals, bishops against bishops and priests against priests, and the flock of Christ will be torn to pieces by rapacious wolves, who have found their way in under the clothing of defenseless and meek lambs. Among them there are even some who occupy posts of great responsibility, and by means of them, Satan has succeeded in entering and in operating at the very summit of the Church. Bishops and priests of the holy Church of God, how great today is your responsibility! The Lord is about to demand of you an account of how you have administered his vineyard. Repent; seek pardon; make amends; and, above all, be once again faithful to the task which has been entrusted to you.

i - Sin is being committed more and more; it is no longer acknowledged as an evil; it is sought out; it is consciously willed; and it is no longer confessed. Impurity and lewdness cover the homes built by your rebellion.

j This is the reason why my Heart is bleeding: because of the obstinate disbelief and the hardness of your hearts.
k My Heart is bleeding to see you so closed and insensitive to my sorrowful, motherly admonition.
l My Heart is bleeding, because I see your roads even now smeared with blood, while you live in an obstinate unconsciousness of that which awaits you."

Milan (Italy); September 8, 1986
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
My Birth
a "On the feast of my nativity, Paradise exults, and the Church Suffering and Militant look upon me as a sign of joy, of hope and of motherly consolation.

b My birth is cause for your joy At the moment your heavenly Mother is born, like the rising dawn, the radiant day of your salvation is already near at hand and certain for you. Close to my crib, Heaven leaps for joy, with the countless cohorts of angels, who have been forever awaiting this ineffable moment. Round about my crib, there gather festively the spirits of the prophets and the just who have lived, prepared and hoped, in the expectation of this joyous event. Over my crib, with immense love of predilection, bend down the Father, as He contemplates his masterpiece of creation; the Word, in the expectation of placing Himself in my virginal and motherly womb; the Holy Spirit, who is already communicating Himself to my soul with the fullness of love.
For this reason, my birth is above all a cause of great joy for you all, who love to call upon me as the cause of your joy.

c My birth is also cause for your hope. Even now the redemption, awaited, longed-for and predicted for hundreds of centuries, is about to become a real event of your history. I am born to give birth to Jesus, your Redeemer and Savior. There breaks a new dawn for all humanity. Sin is about to be conquered, and for the spirit of Evil, the moment of his complete defeat draws near, while all creation prepares itself to receive the gift of its total renewal. For this reason, my birth becomes also a cause of hope for all of you, who love to call upon me as Mother of Hope.

d My birth is above all cause for your consolation. The little creature, scarcely born, whom you contemplate again today in her crib, is the object of a wondrous design by which she will become the Mother of Jesus and Mother of all humanity. And this gives you great comfort in the painful times in which you are living. Because you all have an immaculate Mother who knows you, understands you, helps you and defends you. Above all in the bloody hours of the great suffering to which you are being called, how much comfort you find in the sure knowledge that your heavenly Mother is always at your side, to share in your suffering, to strengthen your trust and to be a consolation to your many sorrows.
e Do not be afraid. Have no fear. Feel at your side your heavenly Mother, whom you venerate today at the moment of her earthly birth, in order to become, especially in these your times, a cause of joy, of hope and of consolation for all."

September 15, 1986
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
I Am Forming You to Suffering
a "Beloved children, learn from me always to say yes to the Heavenly Father, even when He asks of you the precious contribution of your suffering.
b I am the sorrowful Virgin.
c I am the Mother of Suffering.
d My Son Jesus was born of me in order to immolate Himself, as a victim of love, for your ransom. Jesus is the docile and meek Lamb, who mutely allowed Himself to be led to the slaughter. Jesus is the true Lamb of God who takes away all the sins of the world. From the moment of his descent into my virginal womb, to the moment of his ascent upon the Cross, Jesus always gave Himself up to the Will of the Father, offering Him, with love and joy, the precious gift of all his suffering.
e I am the sorrowful one because, as Mother, I formed, raised, followed, loved and offered my Son Jesus, as a gentle and meek victim, to the divine justice of the Father. And thus I became the greatest help and comfort in his immense suffering. In these most painful times, I am again, as Mother, at the side of each one of you, to form you, to help you and to give comfort in all your suffering.

f I am forming you to suffering, by saying yes with you to the Heavenly Father, who is asking this of you, as your personal collaboration in the redemption carried out by my Son Jesus. In this I, your heavenly Mother, was an example and model for you, by my perfect cooperation in all the suffering of the Son, so that I became the first to collaborate in his work, through my motherly suffering.
g I became true Co-redemptrix, and now I am able to offer myself as an example to each one of you in the giving of your own personal sufferings to the Lord, to assist everyone in walking along the way of good and of salvation. It is for this reason that, in these bloody times of purification, my motherly task is that of forming you, above all, to suffering.
h I am also helping you to suffer, by my motherly presence, which is urging you to transform all your suffering into a perfect gift of love. For this, I am training you in docility, in gentleness, in humility of heart. I am helping you to suffer, with the joy of giving yourselves to your brothers, as Jesus gave Himself. Then you will carry your cross with joy; your suffering will become sweet, and it will be the sure road which will lead you to true peace of heart.
i I comfort you in all sufferings, with the assurance that I am at your side, just as I was beneath the Cross of Jesus. Today, when sufferings are increasing from all sides, everyone will become aware, in an ever stronger way, of the presence of your heavenly Mother. Because this is my mission, as Mother and Co-redemptrix: to gather every drop of your suffering, to transform it into a precious gift of love and of reparation and to offer it, each day, to the justice of God.
j Only in this way can we break open together the golden door of the divine Heart of my Son Jesus, so that He may be able to cause to descend soon, upon the Church and upon humanity, the river of grace and of fire of his merciful love, which will make all things new."

Naples (Italy); September 29, 1986
Feast of the Holy Archangels
With You in the Combat
a "Fight, dearest children, my apostles, in these last times of yours. This is the hour of my battle. This is the hour of my great victory.
b With you in the combat are also the angels of the Lord who, at my orders, are carrying out the task which I have entrusted to them. All the heavenly spirits are luminous and powerful beings, and they are very close to God whom they love, serve, defend and glorify. In the light of the Most Holy Trinity they see all the dangerous and subtle snares, set for you by the wicked spirits who struggle against God and against his royal dominion.
c This is a terrible battle, which is being waged above all at the level of spirits: those who are good against the wicked, the angels against the demons.
d You are involved in this great struggle, and it is for this reason that you must always entrust yourselves to their sure protection and, through prayer, often invoke their powerful assistance.
e All the heavenly spirits know my plan; they know the hour of my triumph, and they see how the attack of hell, in these times of yours, is becoming powerful, continuous and universal. Satan has succeeded in establishing his reign in the world, and he already feels that he is the sure victor. But the moment of his great and definitive defeat is close. For this reason, the battle is becoming more fierce and terrible, and you too, with the angels of the Lord, are being called to battle. The weapons used by the demons are those of evil, of sin, of hatred, of impurity, of pride and of rebellion against God. The weapons used by the heavenly spirits, who are at your side to do battle, are those of goodness, of divine grace, of love, of purity, of humility and of docile submission to the Will of the Lord.
f The heavenly spirits have also the task of strengthening you, of healing you from your wounds, of defending you from the snares of my Adversary, of protecting you from evil and of leading you along the luminous way of my will.
g The Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to accept the yes of your heavenly Mother; now, he has the duty of accepting your yes to the Will of the Father. He strengthens you and sustains you; he leads you along the way of courage and of a heroic witness to Jesus and to his Gospel.
h The Archangel Raphael gives refreshment to your weakness, pours balm on every painful wound and lifts you up from the weight of your weariness and discouragement, in order to continue the struggle, with the shield of faith and with the armor of love and of holiness.
i The Archangel Michael defends you from all the terrible attacks of Satan, who is particularly raging against you who form part of my cohort and are allowing yourselves to be led with docility by your heavenly Leader. How many times would you have become victims of the attacks of Satan, had not the Archangel Michael intervened in your defense and for your protection! Invoke him often with that so very efficacious prayer of exorcism against Satan and the rebellious angels, because he is guiding you in this battle in such a way that each one of you may be able to fulfill the task which has been entrusted to him by the heavenly Mother.
j And so, be united in an affectionate and fraternal communion of life, of prayer and of action with all the heavenly spirits, who are engaged, together with you, in fighting the same battle and preparing God's great victory in the glorious reign of Christ which will come to you with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world."

October 7, 1986
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Anniversary of the Victory of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lepanto
The Rosary Brings You to Peace
a "I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary. I am your Leader who is guiding you in the terrible battle against Satan and all the spirits of evil. If you allow yourselves to be led with docility by me, you will always feel at your side the precious help which is given to you by the angels of the Lord, the blessed and the saints of paradise, and all the souls who are still being purified in purgatory.
b I am, in fact, the Leader of one single cohort.
c Today, as you recall the date of one of my great victories, I want to call upon you to fight, with courage and confidence, without allowing yourselves to become alarmed at the subtle and dangerous tactics made use of by my Adversary to bring you to discouragement.
d For this reason, I want to uncover for you three traps which form part of a particular strategy employed by my Adversary, in this great battle.

e - The first is that of spreading about the certainty that he h already succeeded in conquering the whole world, that he h established his reign in it and that he fully exercises his power there. His great conquest is this human race, which has rebelled against God and which is repeating his proud act of defiance: ‘I will not serve the Lord!' A most dangerous means, made use by Satan in these times, is that of giving the impression that there is no longer anything more to be done, that one will no longer succeed in changing anything, and that it has already become useless to make any kind of an effort to lead humanity along the road of return to God and to good.
f And so your heavenly Mother is assuring you that even this humanity forms a precious part of the people of God, won by Jesus at the price of his blood, shed to the last drop for its salvation. God, especially today, is alone the victor; and He loves all the poor sick humanity which has been snatched from Him; and He is preparing the moment when, by the greatest miracle of his merciful love, He will lead it along the road of return to Himself, that at last it may be able to know a new era of peace, of love, of holiness and of joy. For this reason, I am inviting you always to make use of the powerful weapon of trust, of filial abandonment, of a great and boundless charity, of a complete availability for all the spiritual and material needs of your neighbor and of a motherly and unlimited mercy.

g - The second is that of having succeeded in putting the Church in a state of grave difficulty, shaking it to its foundation, by the wind of contestation, of division, of infidelity and of apostasy. Many are losing courage, as they see how numerous today are those pastors who are allowing themselves to be deceived by his subtle and dangerous action.
h The means which you must use to fight back against this ambush of his is that of your consecration to my Immaculate Heart, because the Church, even though it appears wounded, darkened and routed today, has been entrusted by Jesus to the loving protection of your heavenly Mother. I want to help it, console it and heal it through you, beloved children consecrated to my Heart and docile instruments of my motherly will. Through you, I am pouring balm upon its painful wounds, comforting the hours of its desolate passion and preparing the moment of its greatest renewal.
i I am doing this, in these times, in a very special way, through my Pope, John Paul II, who is bringing the sign of my motherly presence everywhere. He is giving you the battle sign; he is guiding you in the struggle; he is teaching you courage and confidence; he is already announcing to you my sure victory. Follow him along the road which he points out, if you wish to prepare, with me, a new and radiant Pentecost for the whole Church.

j - The third is that of succeeding in spreading everywhere, through all the means of social communication, his wicked works of destruction and death. Thus, divisions are multiplying; impurity is being exalted; corruption is extensive; violence is becoming more and more widespread; hatred is flooding the land, and wars are expanding menacingly.
k To fight and conquer all this evil, which is attempting to submerge the entire human race, you must have recourse to the powerful weapon of prayer. In fact, the new era will be able to come to you only as a gift of the Spirit of the Lord, not as the fruit of the work of man. And so it is necessary to ask for this gift through a continual, incessant, and trusting prayer.
l Pray with me. All the Church must enter into the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, to invoke, with the heavenly Mother, a very special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which will lead it to live the experience of a second and radiant Pentecost.
m Pray above all with the prayer of the holy rosary. Let the rosary be, for everyone, the powerful weapon to be made use of in these times.
n The rosary brings you to peace. With this prayer, you are able to obtain from the Lord the great grace of a change of hearts, of the conversion of souls, and of the return of all humanity to God, along the road of repentance, of love, of divine grace and of holiness.
o Then you will no longer say: But, always and everywhere, everything remains just as it was. Nothing ever changes!' - This is not true, my beloved children. Each day, in silence and in hiddenness, the heavenly Mother is waging her battle against the Adversary and is working, by means of most extraordinary signs and manifestations, to change the heart of the world.”

Sant’Omero (Teramo, Italy); October 27, 1986
World Day of Prayer for Peace
The Task Entrusted to the Church
a "Today you are imploring peace, through a day which is bringing together representatives of all religions in a communion of prayer and of fasting. This is the road that I have pointed out to you. Peace can come to you only as a gift of God. The more you want to build peace through human discussions and reciprocal agreements, the more it will remove itself from you. For this reason, it is necessary for humanity to return to God along the road of conversion and of a change of heart.
b Jesus Christ alone has shown you the way to reach the Father in his Spirit of Love. It is necessary that all men come to a knowledge of the truth and to accept and to follow the Gospel of Jesus.
c This is the task entrusted to the Church.
d This is what her ministers, her consecrated ones, and all her faithful must do today: with the courage of martyrs and the strength of confessors of the faith, there is need to announce to the whole world the good news that Jesus Christ alone is your Savior and your Redeemer! Only Jesus Christ can bring you to peace. It is necessary to preach Him to all, without fear and without compromise, carrying out his divine mandate: `Go into the whole world, and proclaim my Gospel to all creation; whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.' (Mk 16:1-16)
e The attempt to bring together all religions, even those which adore false and lying gods, with the prospect of forming a worldwide religious union for the defense of human values, is vain, dangerous and not in conformity with the desire of my Immaculate Heart. It can on the contrary lead to an increase of confusion, to religious indifference and even make the attainment of true peace more difficult.
f For this reason, I say to you today: announce Christ to everyone; be faithful only to Christ and to his Gospel, and you will become true builders of peace.”

Dongo (Como, Italy); November 1, 1986
Solemnity of All Saints
First Saturday
Your Place in Paradise
a "Today, look at those who have already gone before you into Tory. Round about my Immaculate Heart, they form a luminous crown of love, of joy and of glory.
b This is also your place in paradise. It is being prepared for all of you who listen to my voice, who consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, live in filial dependence upon me and offer yourselves completely for the perfect fulfillment of my plan. You are, here below, my dearly beloved children. You are my apostles, called to spread everywhere the light of my motherly presence and to point out to all the road that they have need to follow in order to reach Christ, from whom alone can come the new era of holiness, of justice and of peace.
c For this reason, feel at your side, each day, the saints and the blessed of heaven; call upon them for help and protection. Feel also at your side the souls of the just, who are still suffering and praying in purgatory, awaiting the moment of their full beatitude in the perfect contemplation of the Lord. With you they form one single cohort, under my orders. For all, I am the Mother and the Queen. Each one has an irreplaceable part to play in my victorious plan.
d In these times, I want to make deeper, stronger and more extraordinary your communion with those who have preceded you in the earthly life and now enjoy eternal salvation. As a motherly gift of my Immaculate Heart, I offer you, as a precious help, the souls of the saints in paradise and of the just in purgatory. You are being exposed to grave dangers, and they can assist you in overcoming them. You are victims of the subtle snares of my Adversary, and they can give you light that you may be able to see them and strength that you may flee from them. You are fragile and weak and often happen to fall again into sins; they can always lend you a hand to walk along the road of good and of holiness.
e Travel therefore, together with them, along the road which I have traced out for you. Together, I am leading you to peace.
f Peace will come to you from my Immaculate Heart when this, your communion of life, of love and of joy will have then been perfectly accomplished.”

Ft. Lauderdale (Florida, US.A.); November 23, 1986
Solemnity of Christ the King
The Way Which Leads You to His Kingdom
a "Today, in the glory of paradise and in the purifying light of purgatory, I am accepting the homage of the whole pilgrim Church on earth, in order to offer, together with you all, the crown of his royalty to Jesus Christ, our God, our Savior and our King.

b Jesus must reign above all in the hearts and in the souls of all, because his is a royalty of grace, of holiness and of love. When Jesus reigns in the soul of a creature, it becomes transformed by a divine light, which renders it increasingly beautiful, luminous, holy and beloved of God.
c For this, my motherly task is that of driving away from the souls of my children every shadow of sin, any snare whatsoever of egoism, any predominance of the passions, in order to lead everyone along the road of great sanctity. Then Jesus will truly be able to establish his reign in your hearts and in your souls, and you will become the precious domain of his divine royalty.

d Jesus must reign in families, which must open themselves like buds to the sun of his royalty. For this reason, I am working in these times, in order that there may increase, in families, harmony and peace, understanding and concord, unity and faithfulness.

e Jesus must reign in all humanity, that it may become again a new garden where the Most Holy Trinity may receive charm and beauty, love and fragrance from every creature and thus be glorified and establish its habitual dwelling place in your midst. For this, I am working powerfully today to lead all humanity along the road of return to God, by way of conversion, of prayer and of penance. And I myself am leading the cohort, called to fight against the army of evil so that the power of those who deny and blaspheme God and who work tirelessly to build a civilization without Him may be defeated as quickly as possible.
f Jesus must reign in the Church, the privileged portion of his divine and loving domain. The Church is all his because she is born of his rent Heart, brought up in his love, washed with his blood, espoused to Him by an inviolable pact of eternal fidelity. For this reason, I am working as Mother, in these painful moments of her purification, to cleanse the Church once again from every stain, to set her free from every human compromise, to defend her from the subtle attacks of her Adversary and to lead her along the road of perfection, that she may reflect everywhere the very splendor of her divine Spouse, Jesus.

g My motherly action is preparing, in this time of coming of the glorious reign of my Son, Jesus.
h My Immaculate Heart is the way which leads you to his reign. In fact, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with the triumph of my Son, Jesus, in his glorious reign of holiness and of grace, of love and of justice, of mercy and of peace, which will be established in the whole world.
i For this reason I am inviting you today to prayer and to trust; I am calling you to peace of heart and to joy because the glorious reign of the Lord Jesus is already at the gates."

Dallas (Texas, U.S.A.); December 3, 1986
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. from the United States and Canada
My Remedy for Your Illnesses
a "How happy I am with these days of continuous cenacle which you, the priests of my Movement, are making, coming as you do from even the most distant states of this great country, in order to live together in brotherhood and in prayer with me, your heavenly Mother. Your love, your docility and your generosity give much joy to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
b Today I want to give you my motherly word, that it may be a source of comfort in your sufferings and of confidence in the midst of the many difficulties you encounter.
c Be the smallest of my little children; be my courageous apostles; be the rays of light that come forth from my Heart and spread about everywhere, to bear witness to my motherly presence.
d There are three wounds, in this country of yours, which are causing pain to my motherly Heart and making it bleed.

e The first wound is caused by the apostasy, which is spreading, because of the errors that are being taught and promoted more and more even in Catholic schools, and which are leading an immense number of my poor children to separate themselves from the true faith.
f The responsibility for this grave situation rests above all with those who have consecrated themselves to God because, having been seduced by the spirit of pride, they continue on their way, despite my motherly admonitions and the directives given by the Magisterium of the Church.
g You, my beloved sons, are to be my remedy for this illness, by preaching more and more the truth which Jesus has taught you and which the Pope and the bishops united with him are still presenting today to everyone with clarity and courage.
h You must oppose anyone who teaches doctrines which are different, and, above all, you must speak openly to all the faithful of the grave danger, which they are encountering today, of swerving from the true faith in Jesus and in his Gospel. Recite often the profession of faith, composed by the first of my beloved sons, Pope Paul VI, now up here with me, as he foresaw these difficult moments.

i The second wound is caused by the disunity that has entered into the Church which exists in your countries. How it makes the Heart of Jesus and my motherly Heart suffer to see that many bishops, priests, religious and faithful are no longer united with - and are even openly opposing - the Pope, whom Jesus has set up as the foundation of his Church.
j This division is becoming daily more extensive and deeper, and soon it will become even open and proclaimed. How much pain I feel in seeing that often the greatest supporters of this rebellion are those who have consecrated themselves to God and have vowed to follow Jesus along the road of humility, of poverty, of chastity and of obedience.
k You, my beloved sons, are to be my remedy for this deep wound by being ever more united with the Pope, by helping your bishops to be united with him, through prayer, love an example, and by leading all the faithful to this unity.

l The third wound is caused by the infidelity that has entered into the life of many children of the Church, who no longer follow the commandments of God and the teachings given by Jesus in his Gospel. Thus they walk along the wrong road of evil and of sin. Sin is no longer recognized as an evil. Often justification is made for even the gravest sins against nature, such as abortion and homosexuality. Sins are no longer confessed. To what a grave state of sickness have you now come!
m You, my beloved sons, are to be my remedy for such a grave and so extensive an evil, by helping my children to walk along the road of purity and of holiness. Return again to teaching everyone true Catholic morality. Give a helping hand to my poor sinful children, to lead them to the observance of the Law of God. Make them understand the necessity of frequent confession, which becomes indispensable before one who is in the state of mortal sin may receive Holy Communion. The Church here is all wounded because of communions received sacrilegiously.
n If you accept this motherly invitation of mine, you will then be the gift of love which my Immaculate Heart is offering today to the Church and to all of humanity which is living in this great country of yours.
o You will thus become my remedy for your illnesses.
p You are the instruments of my peace.
q Together with all the members of my Movement, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Santiago (Dominican Republic); December 8, 1986
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
My Candor of Heaven
a "My candor of grace and of light, of holiness and of purity seeks to cover the whole earth like a mantle.
b For this reason, my little child, I have brought you here today, to this island from which the evangelization of all the great continent of America began, in order to lead as quickly as possible my beloved ones and all my children into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
c I am the dawn which precedes the great day of the Lord. I am the longed-for luminous cloud which will cause the heavenly dew of grace and of holiness to descend upon the desert of the world, wasted by evil and by sin.
d Join my victorious cohort, all you who wish to fight the great battle for the triumph of good and of love. There, where the ray of my light reaches, the darkness of evil, of egoism, of hatred, of sin and of impurity vanishes. Bring my motherly announcement everywhere.
e Spread my candor of heaven throughout every part of the world.
f These are the times when I must gather all of you again under my immaculate mantle, at the orders of your heavenly Leader.
g Through you, who have responded to me, my light will grow stronger from day to day, because the moment of the glorious triumph of my Son, Jesus, is already at hand.
h From this land, I bless you today, together with all those who have accepted my invitation, listened to me and followed me."

Dongo (Como, Italy); December 24, 1986
The Holy Night
The Crib at His Glorious Return
a "Accept my motherly invitation to pray, to meditate upon my word, to guard it in your heart, to keep vigil, remaining on the watch expectantly.
b This is the holy night.
c Spend it with me, beloved children; live it in the depths of my Immaculate Heart. You will then be able to penetrate the mystery of your salvation, which reveals itself to the poor, to the little, to the simple, to the pure of heart.
d My soul is flooded by a divine light and my person becomes surrounded with a profound sense of peace and of blessedness, while my virginal womb opens itself to the divine gift of the Son.
e All about us, it is deep night: the doors, closed upon our plea for hospitality; the hearts of men, made hard through egoism and hatred; minds, blinded by error and a great coldness upon the world which has become incapable of love!
f But in the poor cave, a little light is enkindled, in the sign of expectation and of hope; two human hearts are beating with love, to prepare the crib in which to place the newborn child; my most chaste spouse, Joseph, is readying himself to make the squalor of the place more hospitable, while the heavenly Mother is absorbed in a profound and intense prayer with the Father.
g It is at this moment that heaven espouses itself to earth, that the shoot awaited, for centuries comes to flower, that God is born among us, that the Savior enters his regal domain, that the Redeemer begins to pay the price of our ransom.
h And peace descends from heaven with the song of the angels; the earth opens to receive the dew of divine mercy, while the simple hearts of the shepherds open themselves to the voices which announce the wondrous event: `Today there is born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord.' (cf. Lk 2:11)

i Everything is again repeated for his second nativity. His return in glory is just as it was then. The night of the denial of God has descended upon the world; the coldness of rebellion against his Law of love has reduced humanity to an immense desert; error has closed minds to the understanding of the greatest mystery of love; hearts have become hardened by egoism and hatred which is spreading everywhere. Doors are still obstinately shut to the Lord as He comes.
j You, O beloved ones, throw open your hearts to blessedness and hope, and, in imitation of your heavenly Mother and of het most chaste spouse, Joseph, undertake to make yourselves attentive in preparing the roadways for Christ who is returning in glory.
k His second nativity is already at the doors. And so open your minds to the heavenly voices which, in many ways and through many signs, are telling you that his return is near. As the love o my motherly Heart was the most precious crib for his first nativity, so also the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be the crib ai his glorious return.
l On this holy night, I am gathering you all together to keep watch, with me, close to the little Child, who has such need of love. On this holy night, I am inviting you to open your hearts and your minds to receive the joyful announcement that his second nativity is near."

Dongo (Como, Italy); December 31, 1986
Last Night of the Year
And Peace Will Come to You
a "During these last hours of the year, beloved children, I want all to gather close to me in an unceasing prayer.
b Pray in order to give thanks to the Heavenly Father, who is guiding human events toward the fulfillment of his great plan of love and of glory.
c Pray in order to console the divine Heart of the Son, wounded by so many sins and surrounded by an immense sea of human ingratitude. Jesus loves you. His Heart is a furnace of most ardent love for you. But this Heart is being continually pierced by offenses and sins. It is you who must be the consolers of the Heart of Jesus. My beloved ones, I am asking you to fill up, with your priestly love, all the emptiness, the negligence and the indifference with which He is surrounded.
d Pray in order to invoke the Holy Spirit, that He may be able to accomplish as quickly as possible the prodigy of a second Pentecost of holiness and of grace, which may truly change the face of the earth. Pray, and do penance. Recite the holy rosary with love and with confidence. With this prayer, made by you together with me, you are able to influence all human events, and even the future events which are awaiting you. With this prayer, you can possess the grace of a change of hearts, and you can obtain the much-desired gift of peace.

e Peace will come, after the great suffering to which the Church and all humanity are already being called, through their interior and bloody purification.
f Peace will come, after the event of the terrible chastisement, which I have already announced to you beforehand, at the dawn of this century of yours.
g Peace will come, as a gift of the merciful love of Jesus, who is about to pour forth upon the world torrents of fire and of grace, which will make all things new.
h Peace will come, as the fruit of a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who will be given by the Father and by the Son, in order to transform the world into the heavenly Jerusalem and to lead the Church to the summit of its sanctity and of its divine splendor.
i And peace will come to you from the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, as that space of time, which has been granted by the Lord to humanity for repentance and for its conversion, is about to come to an end.
j Even now the great events are coming about, and all will be accomplished at a faster pace, so that there may appear over the world, as quickly as possible, the new rainbow of peace which, at Fatima and for so many years, I have already been announcing to you in advance."

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