Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our Lady Priests 1992

To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons
From the writings of Don Stefano Gobbi

Year 1992

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); January 1, 1992
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Your Liberation Is Near
a "Today I invite you to lift up your eyes to me, beloved sons, cause your liberation is near. You are entering into the decisive times which are leading you to the triumph of my Immaculate Bart in the world.
b Events are rapidly following one upon the other, and the new year, which you are beginning today, will bring to fulfillment at which I have revealed to you in some of my secrets.
c The activity of my Adversary, to extend his reign over all humanity, will become stronger. Thus evil and sin, violence and hatred, perversion and unbelief will increase everywhere. Wars ill spread, involving additional peoples and nations, and many .my poor children will have to carry the heavy burden of this bloody cross.
d But have confidence. Lift up your eyes to me, Mother of God and your true Mother. Today I announce to you that your liberation near.

e Even in the Church, the darkness will descend more densely yet and will succeed in enveloping everything. Errors will spread much more, and many will wander away from the true faith. Apostasy will spread like an epidemic, and pastors will be stricken by it along with the flocks entrusted to them. In every part of the earth, the Church, this poor agonizing and crucified Daughter of mine, will have much to suffer.
f The contestation directed against the Pope will become stronger: theologians, bishops, priests and laity will openly oppose his Magisterium. My Pope will feel himself more and more alone, as he is abandoned, criticized and ridiculed by many.
g But have great confidence and patience. Be strong in faith and in hope. Lift up your eyes to me, Mother of God and your true Mother. Today I announce to you that your liberation is near.

h Come out from your hiding, my beloved sons, and go everywhere to enlighten the earth with the sole light of Christ. Your times have arrived. Do not be afraid if you are unknown to the world, if you are despised, rejected and persecuted. I am always with you. Show yourselves to all as my beloved sons, my consecrated ones, the apostles of these last times whom I, for twenty years now, have been forming, with the messages which I give by means of this littlest of my sons.
i Walk along the road of contempt for the world and for yourselves, of humility and littleness, of love and purity. In this way you become Good Samaritans for the Church of today which is suffering so much. Love always; judge no one. Assist all with the tenderness of your priestly love.
j Be united to the Pope in order to support him in carrying his great cross to Calvary.
k Set out upon all the roads of the world, in search of my poor straying children. Take up in your priestly arms the poor, the sick, the desperate, the abandoned, the stricken, the oppressed, and all the innumerable victims of violence, of hatred and of wars. Carry them all into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
l Lift up your eyes from this dark epoch in which you are living, and do not fear if, at present, Satan is the uncontested ruler of the world and the master of all humanity. Soon his reign will be reduced to a heap of ruins, and his power will be destroyed, because I myself will bind him with a chain and will shut him up in his pool of eternal fire and death, from which he will no longer be able to get out.
m And it will be Jesus Christ, King of eternal glory, who will reign over the whole renewed world and thus bring about the beginning of the new times, which are on the point of arriving.
n For this reason, I repeat to you at the beginning of this new year: have confidence. Live each day in faith and in a great hope. Lift up your eyes to me, Mother of God and your true Mother.
o Today I announce to you that your liberation is near."

San Salvador (El Salvador); February 2, 1992
Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus
To Meet the Lord Who Is Coming
a "Beloved children, come with me, your heavenly Mother, to meet the Lord who is coming.
b Let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms as, with love and immense happiness, I carried the Child Jesus to the temple Jerusalem. Today, in the liturgical celebration, you are reliving is mystery.
c And you, my little child, find yourself this day carrying out your cenacles in this country which has been, for many years, vided, wounded and stricken by a bloody and cruel civil war. And precisely on this day, I have given it the precious possession peace.

d - Come with me to meet the Lord who is coming in peace. Jesus is your peace. He brings you to communion with the Heavenly ether in his Spirit of Love, and He gives you his very own divine life which He has merited for you on Calvary, by the Sacrifice of redemption.
e This world does not know peace because it does not accept Jesus. And so my motherly task is that of opening the hearts of I my children, to receive the Lord who is coming, because ily then can peace, so implored and awaited, come upon the world.

f - Come with me to meet the Lord who is coming in love. This humanity lies prostrate beneath the heavy yoke of violence, hatred, unbridled egoism, division and war. How many people suffer; how many are trampled upon and are oppressed and killed each day, because of this so great incapacity to love! Thus the world has been reduced to an immense desert, and the hearts of men have become cold and cruel, insensitive and closed to the needs of the little ones, of the poor and of the destitute.
g This world is not capable of loving because it does not accept Jesus. Jesus is Love. Jesus, who is coming, will bring all to the perfection of love. And then the world will become a new garden of life and of beauty and will form one single family, united by the sweet bonds of divine charity.

h - Come with me to meet the Lord who is coming in joy. Only Jesus in your midst can open your hearts to the sweet experience of blessedness and joy.
i Forget the bloody past. Let the deep wounds of this painful ne of the purification and the great tribulation be closed, because your liberation is near.
j For this reason, on this day, as you contemplate me in the mystery of the presentation of my Child Jesus in the temple, I invite you to let yourselves be carried in my arms, into the spiritual temple of my Immaculate Heart, that I may offer you to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and thus lead you toward the new times which await you."

Managua (Nicaragua); February 11, 1992
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
I Set You Free from Slavery
a "I am the Immaculate Conception. With these words I revealed myself to my little daughter, Bernadette, appearing to her in the Grotto of Lourdes. I am the cause of your joy.
b Today, my little son, you find yourself here in this country of Central America, where I am especially loved, entreated and glorified by these children of mine. You have heard how they repeat often this cry which is an expression of their faith and of their love: `Who is it that causes us such jubilation? It is Mary's virginal conception!'
c During these last years, the Church here has been particularly tested and stricken, and also these little children of mine have had to carry the weight of a harsh slavery, imposed by an atheistic and communistic regime. But I have heard their prayers; I have taken heed of their profound sufferings, and I have personally intervened to set them free from this slavery.
d I now promise to give to this people of mine who have been consecrated to me, and to this land which has been entrusted to me, the great gift of peace.

e Hasten in the wake of the sweet fragrance of your immaculate Mother; thus, you are set free from the yoke of every slavery.
f - I set you free from the slavery of sin which keeps you under the dominion of Satan, and I am leading you each day to live as free children of God.
g - I set you free from the slavery of disordinate passions, especially that of impurity, to make you walk along the way of holiness and of chastity.
h - I set you free from the slavery of egoism and hatred to make you live in love and communion with all.
i - I set you free from the slavery of political regimes which are founded on the denial of God and on atheism which is proclaimed and propagated, so that I may prepare you to live as a new people of God which is opening itself to the perfect worship of his glory.
j - I set you free from the slavery of these evil times of yours to dispose you to enter into the new times which are now drawing near. For this, I am inviting you today to walk in the wake of the sweet fragrance of your immaculate Mother, in order to arrive quickly at the safe haven of your liberation.
k I bless with love this land of Nicaragua and all my children who love me here, who honor me and who invoke me with such confidence and such hope."

Quito (Ecuador); February 27, 1992
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. from Latin America
Mother of the Second Evangelization
a "How happy I am, beloved sons, with this cenacle of prayer and brotherly sharing which, during these days, you are carrying out with me, your heavenly Mother. I am always with you. I unite myself to your prayer, and I strengthen the bond of your brotherhood.
b This year, you are celebrating the fifth centenary of the evangelization of Latin America. I have called you to this cenacle because I desire to communicate to you the love, the apprehensions and the designs which my Immaculate Heart has on this land, blessed by me and so ensnared and stricken by my Adversary

c - In the first place, I tell you of my great joy in feeling myself so loved here by my children, especially the little ones, the poor, the simple, the sick and the sinners. Because of this, I love you with a motherly and merciful love; I am always near you as a tender and attentive Mother, and I am leading you along the way of peace, of holiness, of purity and of love.

d - And then I share with you the preoccupations and the sufferings of my Heart in the face of the painful situation in which the countries here and my Church, called to spread the light of Christ and his Gospel, find themselves. Peace is threatened by violence which is spreading, by the social injustices which are still strong, by the divisions, by the prevalence of many personal interests over the common good, by the great number of my poor children who are living in conditions of subhuman misery. Moreover, there are spreading, more and more, those evils which threaten the moral integrity of the people, such as impurity, pornography, drugs, divorce, the recourse to all the means of birth control and these accursed abortions which cry for vengeance in the sight of God.
e Even the Church, which lives and suffers in this continent, is threatened with an interior division caused by dissension from the Pope and by opposition to his Magisterium on the part of some bishops, theologians, priests and lay persons. Above all, my Adversary has sought to strike her with the subtle snare of liberation theology, which is a true betrayal of Christ and his Gospel. For this reason my Heart is again pierced today by the sword of sorrow.

f - Finally, I want to reveal to you the designs of grace and mercy which your heavenly Mother has upon you. I consider this land as a precious portion of my estate. For this reason, in the fifth centenary of its evangelization, I have wanted it to be totally consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Thus I have sent this little son of mine everywhere in order to call bishops, priests, religious and faithful to make this consecration, willed and requested by me for your times.

g I will save Latin America.
h I am the Mother of the Second Evangelization. I am guiding you as a star along the bright way of fidelity to Christ and to his Gospel. You need to return to a belief in the Gospel of Jesus. You must announce it to all in the strength of its integrity. Preach it with the same clarity with which my Son Jesus announced it to you.
i My motherly task is that of forming you into apostles of the second evangelization. I invite you, beloved sons, to consecrate yourselves, each and all, to my Immaculate Heart, in order to be formed and guided by me in this, your important mission. Moved by the power of the Holy Spirit, which your heavenly Mother is obtaining for you, go and preach to every creature: be converted; believe in the Gospel; the reign of God is at hand.
j Go out from this cenacle in peace and in joy. I am with you always. With the souls which are entrusted to you, I bless you all in the name of the Father. and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Sao Paulo (Brazil); March 27, 1992
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the M.M.P. from all Brazil
Go and Evangelize
a "My Immaculate Heart is today glorified by you in this continuous cenacle of prayer and brotherhood, in which you find yourselves, you the Directors of the M.M.P. who have come from every part of Brazil. I am with you. I am joining you in your prayer, to obtain for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, that He may transform you into apostles of these last times.
b The moment of your public witness has come. Show yourselves to all as my little sons, as the apostles formed by me for the great task of the new evangelization which is awaiting you.
c As in the Cenacle of Jerusalem I opened the door so that the Apostles could go out and preach the Gospel, initiating the first evangelization, so also, in this cenacle of yours, I am calling you all to be apostles of the second evangelization.
d Therefore, at the end of this extraordinary cenacle, I am entrusting to each one of you my motherly mandate: go and evangelize.

e Go into every part of this great nation of yours.
f Go into every place, even the most distant and out-of-the-way.
g Go to all my children, especially those furthest away, to the sinners, to the poor, to those who are victims of evil, of vice, of egoism, of hatred, or impurity.
h Go to every creature, with the power which is given you by this, my motherly mission.
i Go as apostles of the second evangelization, to which the first of my beloved sons, Pope John Paul II, is urgently calling you.
j Go and evangelize.
k - Evangelize this poor humanity which has again become pagan after nearly two thousand years since the first announcement of the Gospel. Evangelize it, preaching the urgent need of conversion and of its return to the Lord. Let the idols be destroyed, the idols it has built with its own hands: pleasure, money, pride, impurity, atheism, unbridled egoism, hatred and violence. And let it return to its God along the way of penance, of the rejection of Satan and his seductions, of the rejection of sin acid of every form of evil. And then there will blossom along its way of grace and holiness, purity and love, harmony and peace.

l - Evangelize the suffering and divided Church, filled with the smoke of Satan and threatened with the loss of faith and with apostasy. Let the Church once again believe in the Gospel of Jesus. Let the Gospel of Jesus, preached and lived to the letter, become the only light which guides it along its earthly journey. Then will the Church once again be humble, holy, beautiful, poor, evangelical, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of its heavenly Mother, who is leading it each day toward its greatest renewal.

m - Evangelize all men, preaching that the reign of God is at hand. The moment of the second coming of Jesus is drawing close, the moment of the return of Christ in glory, to restore in your midst his reign of grace, of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace. Announce to everyone this, his glorious return, so that hope may blossom upon the world and the hearts of men be opened to receive Him. Throw open the doors to Jesus Christ who is coming!
n To this end, preach the need for prayer and penance; for the courageous practice of all the virtues; for a return to the perfect cult of love, of adoration and of reparation, offered to Jesus present in the Eucharist. Spread everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have been asking or you: among children, youth, priests, the faithful. Above all, spread everywhere the family cenacles which am requesting as a powerful means of saving the Christian family from the great evils which are threatening it.
o Go out from this cenacle as the apostles of this second evangelization. Do not be afraid. I am with you always, and I am leading you along this bright path.
p With your dear ones and with the souls which are entrusted to you, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); April 16, 1992
Holy Thursday
You Will Be Faithful Priest
a “Beloved sons, I am particularly close to you, on this day of Holy Thursday. It is your day. It is your pasch.
b Jesus, having loved his own who were in the world, loved them to the end. You have been born in the cradle of love. Your priesthood has its origin in the mystery of the infinite love of the divine Heart of Jesus.
c With the Apostles, in the Cenacle of Jerusalem, you also were present. All the bishops and priests to the end of the world were there, because this place and this day are outside of time and of history. This is the day of the new Priesthood and of the new Sacrifice which is being offered in every part of the earth, for the life of the world.
d Enter into the Heart of Jesus, your Brother; enter with me into the Gethsemane of his love and his sorrow; let yourselves be immersed in the infinite ocean of his divine charity, and you will be faithful priests.
e This is also the day of the betrayal: `In all truth I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.' (Mt 26:21) Jesus is deeply moved; his heart is pierced with deep wounds in feeling Himself betrayed by his own: `One of you is going to betray me!'
f It is also the moment of human weakness and desertion. Peter denies Jesus three times; the Apostles run away out of fear and forsake Jesus.
g Young John remains, the apostle who loves, the faithful friend; the first of my beloved sons. And he remains with me, the sorrowful and crucified Mother.
h This, his Pasch, is perpetuated in time; this mystery of divine love, and of the human lack of return for that love, is renewed every day.

i How many are those today who participate in his priesthood, who share in his inheritance and who, in so many ways, betray Him!
j They betray Him because they no longer believe in his divine word; the lack of faith is spreading; apostasy is diffused more and more within the Church.
k They betray Him because they prefer the thirty pieces of silver to Him, the silver coins of convenience and pleasure, of impurity and pride, of the search for comfort and of self-affirmation. How many are the Judases who today betray the Son of Man!
l How numerous are those from among his own who deny Him, repeating the words of the human weakness of Peter: `I do not know this man.' (Mt 26:72)
m They deny Him out of fear of not being thought well of and esteemed by the world in which they live, out of fear of being considered backward and old-fashioned, out of fear of being criticized and rejected.
n Bishops and priests, beloved sons of mine, why do you repeat today, in such great numbers, by the way you live, the cruel gesture of Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial? The new passion which is being repeated by Jesus in this pasch of 1992 is that of infidelity on the part of many of his priests.

o Like John, beloved sons, remain with me, your sorrowful and crucified Mother. Let us stay together, close to Jesus in Gethsemane; let us follow Him with love and compassion along the painful road to Calvary. I ask you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, to enter into my heavenly garden, so that I can form you to be, today, faithful priests, the new Johns who will never, not even for an instant, abandon my Son Jesus.
p Thus, for Jesus, who is reliving tonight in an immensely greater way the painful agony of Gethsemane, your heavenly Mother is preparing the chalice of comfort which the Father gives Him and which Jesus drinks with infinite gratitude, in feeling Himself so loved, again today, by his faithful priests.”

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); April 16, 1992
Good Friday
Let Us Adore Jesus Crucified
a "Prostrate yourselves on this day, my beloved sons, and together with me, your sorrowful Mother, with love and immense gratitude, let us adore Jesus Crucified.
b He is the true God. He is our King. Behold Him now, stretched out upon his royal throne: `When I shall be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.' (Jn 12:32)
c Draw close therefore to the throne of grace and mercy, to obtain salvation, in this propitious time of your redemption. Because He who is, today, judged, condemned to the scaffold of the Cross, and cruelly put to death on Calvary is the true Son of God. He is the consubstantial Word of the Father; He is his only begotten Son; He is the perfect Image of his substance; He is the Splendor of his glory.
d - 'You took no pleasure in burnt offering or sacrifice, but You have prepared a body for me: I come, O Father, to do your Will.' (cf. Heb 10:5-7)
e - 'The Father has so loved the world that He has given his only-begotten Son.' (cf. Jn 3:16) Jesus is the precious gift of the love of the Father; He is the obedient and docile Servant; He is the meek and silent Lamb who is led to his death; He is the Redeemer and Savior of all humanity.
f - 'God though He was, He did not consider remaining within divinity a treasure to be jealously guarded, but He emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant and, becoming man, became obedient even unto death, the death of the Cross.' (cf. Phil 2:6-8)
g We adore You, O Jesus Crucified, because on your royal throne You free humanity from the slavery of Satan; You cancel out every stain of sin, and You offer the precious gift of your redemption.

h It is my Son Jesus who, today, dies on the Cross, conceived in my virginal womb, formed for nine months in preparation for his human birth, nourished with my flesh and my very own blood, born in a cave, placed in a manger, nourished with my milk, brought up in my arms, cradled with my love, led by my hand, instructed by my words, guarded and defended in his threatened infancy, contemplated with motherly happiness in the rhythm of his human growth, helped by my presence in the fulfillment of his public mission, assisted by me on this day of his unjust and so inhuman execution.
i Look, with me, at his body, completely reduced to one single wound by the terrible scourging; his face, disfigured with blood which runs down from his head, pierced by the crown of thorns; his wounded shoulders which support with great effort the wood of his gibbet. Feel in your heart, with me, the terrible blows of the nails, which pierce his hands and his feet; the thud of the Cross in the ground, which causes Him to start with renewed pain; the moans of his bloody agony; his last breath which He breathes forth at the moment of his death on the Cross.
j It is my Son who dies, close to me, his afflicted Mother, who opens her Heart to receive you all into the sorrowful cradle of her new and universal motherhood.
k Jesus Crucified is your Redeemer and Savior. Today the purpose of his entire life is fulfilled, and the Will of the Father is carried out to complete perfection, because He immolates Himself as a victim for your salvation.
l Look, today, with love and with immense gratitude, in a spirit of joy and consolation, upon Him whom they have pierced. He is the true Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; He is the High Priest who enters once and for all into the sanctuary to obtain for you, with his blood, an eternal redemption.
m He is your Pasch: the Bridge which makes it possible for you to pass from sin to grace, from death to life, from slavery to freedom. He is your Brother who takes you by the hand and leads you to be true sons of God.
n Jesus will return on the royal throne of his glory, to bring to fulfillment that word of his, which was the cause of his condemnation; the clouds of heaven will prostrate themselves as a footstool at his feet, and He will come to restore his reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice, and of peace, bringing thus to perfect fulfillment the plan of his redemption.
o Live in the expectation of his glorious return and of your imminent liberation.”

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); April 18, 1992
Holy Saturday
The Sepulcher of Your Slavery!
a "Stay close to me, beloved sons, on this day when I remained without my Son. His body is placed in the new sepulcher, in expectation of his resurrection.
b The Apostles have become terrified and have scattered; I remain on with the holy women, who are keeping me company, and I am keeping watch in prayer and expectation.
c This is the day of my immaculate sorrow. This is the first day of my spiritual motherhood. For this reason, from the very earliest times, there was established in the Church the custom of setting this day aside as one on which I was to be especially venerated.
d Today I want you with me, in a continuous vigil of prayer and love, close to the sepulcher in which there lies the lifeless body of Jesus. In his sepulcher, sin and evil, faithlessness and egoism, impurity and pride, corruption and death are laid away once and for all.
e And the new man, of grace and holiness, of faith and hope, of purity and love, is born. The Church is born; the new humanity, modeled on the glorious humanity of Jesus risen and ascended to the right hand of the Father, is born.

f Today I invite you to descend - you also - into the sepulcher with Christ, in order to die to the world and to yourselves and to live only for the Lord and for his glory.
g Let this new sepulcher be the sepulcher of your slavery.
h - Let it be the sepulcher of your slavery, where all the chains which hold you under the dominion of Satan are destroyed, and where the new man is born, called to be a free son of God.
i - Let it be the sepulcher of your slavery, where this humanity dies once and for all, this humanity distanced from God, rebellious to his Law, corrupt, slave of the spirit of Evil, and lying under the power of darkness; and where the new humanity is born, enlightened and sanctified by the glorious humanity of Jesus.
j - Let it be the sepulcher of your slavery, where the Church dies, the Church which is sick and divided, pervaded with the spirit of the world, darkened in its loyalty and holiness, assailed by the loss of faith and apostasy; and where the new Church is born, holy, faithful, enlightened, evangelical, poor and chaste, reflecting solely the light of its Christ upon the world.
k - In the new sepulcher of this day, may every form of slavery of this time of yours, which holds you under the power of Satan and of his universal seduction, be laid away once and for all, and may the new times be born, the new times of your liberation, which is given to you by Jesus Christ, risen and living in your midst."

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); April 19, 1992
Easter Sunday
The Victory Which Conquers the World
a "Do not be afraid, beloved sons. Look at Jesus who, with the power of his divinity, rises from the dead and, with his glorified body, more resplendent than the sun, comes forth victorious from the tomb.
b Christ, risen and living in your midst, is the reason for your joy, for your confidence, and for your hope, in these last times. Satan has been conquered, and as of this moment, all his power has been taken away from him by Christ, who has accepted to die in order to become, Himself, the medicine which heals you from the sickness of sin and from death.
c Today let your heart exult and overflow with the same joy which I experienced when I saw my Son Jesus, in the splendor of his divinity, bowing over me to put an end to my motherly sorrow.
d Proclaim to all this extraordinary event so that they may live, in these painful times of the purification, the virtue of faith and hope.
e Announce his death; proclaim his resurrection. Do so today when this is so easily denied and when, even in the Church, many of my poor children speak of the resurrection of Jesus, as though it consisted merely in an act of faith and not in a historical event which truly took place.
f The resurrection of Christ is the most historical, certain and proven fact of all the events which have ever taken place.
g As your Mother, I admonish you to remain attentive and vigilant, because my Adversary is seducing you in your minds, with subtle and dangerous errors, in order to make you lose the faith and to bring you to apostasy.
h You must preach to all, with courage, that Christ is the Son of God, dead and risen, ascended into heaven and now seated at the right hand of the Father.
i This is the victory which conquers the world: your faith.
j Christ Risen is now bringing the Will of the Father to perfect fulfillment, through his second coming in glory, to restore his Sign, in which the divine Will may be accomplished by all on earth.”

Bologna (Italy); May 13, 1992
Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima
The Sign of My Presence
a "Beloved children, today you are observing the seventy-fifth anniversary of my first apparition, which took place at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, on the 13th of May, 1917. I want to invite you to live this day in prayer and in filial intimacy of life with me, your heavenly Mother. You are the fruit of this apparition of mine. You are the actualization of this message of mine.

b - At that time, I predicted the times of the loss of the true faith and of the apostasy, which would be spread throughout every part of the Church. You are living the times which I foretold to you.
c You are the sign of my presence in the times of the purification and the great tribulation. Indeed, I am calling you to take part in my work of the Marian Movement of Priests, which I myself have spread throughout every part of the earth, in order to transform the children consecrated to me into strong witnesses of faith and courageous apostles of the truth.
d For this, I am training you in the greatest fidelity to Christ, and I am inviting you to live and to preach the Gospel to the letter, in a great spirit of unity with the Pope, who has from Jesus the task of maintaining his Church in the truth of the faith. In this way, you become the powerful help which I am offering against the great evil of infidelity and apostasy.

e - At that time, I predicted the times of the war, and of the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father, because of the spread of theoretical and practical atheism, and of the rebellion of humanity against God and his Law
f You are the sign of my presence in these times. Indeed, I am asking you to walk along the way which I myself, during these years, have traced out for you, with the messages given to the heart of this little son of mine, so that you may be able to live for the glory of the Heavenly Father, in the perfect imitation of my Son Jesus, docile to the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit.
g Thus you are able to give today a strong witness of love and hope, of faith and justice, of humility and purity. You become the powerful help which I am offering, against the great evil of materialism and hedonism, of egoism and pride, of avarice and impurity.
h - At that time, I predicted the chastisement and that, in the end, my Immaculate Heart would have its triumph.
i You are the sign of my presence in the times of the painful trial which is preparing the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. Indeed, through my Marian Movement of Priests, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer: among priests, the faithful, children, youth, and in families.
j In this way I am able to obtain a great force of intercession and reparation, and I am able to intervene in order to change the hearts of my poor sinful children; in this way I am bringing about each day the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
k The more this motherly triumph of mine comes about in the hearts and souls of my children in ever increasing numbers, the more the chastisement is put off by you, and the more Jesus can pour out upon the world the torrents of his divine mercy.
l For this reason, I invite you all today to follow me as your heavenly Mother who am coming down from heaven in order it I myself may become, in these times, your salvation and your sure liberation.”

Valdragone (San Marino); July 1, 1992
Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Bishops and Priests of the M.M.P. from America and Europe
Your Priestly Love
a "How happy I am to see you in such great numbers, in this continuous cenacle of prayer and brotherhood, bishops and priests of my Movement, who have come from all the countries of America and Europe.
b I am present among you. I am uniting myself with - and giving strength to - your prayer. I am building up among you a greater sense of brotherhood. I am helping you to grow in mutual love to the point where you become totally one.
c You must keep in contact with each other; get to know each other; love each other, and help each other to walk together, with courage and confidence, along the difficult road of the painful times in which you are living.
d The sorrow of my Heart is being consoled by you during these days. My Immaculate Heart is being glorified by you. You are being called to be the instruments of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.
e For this, I have called you up here. For this, I have obtained for you a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and during these days, I have worked deeply in your hearts and in your souls, to make you fit to carry out my great plan of love and of mercy.
f My times, and yours, have arrived. Show yourselves to all as my little children, as priests consecrated to me, as the apostles of these last times. Your light must shine ever more brightly in the great darkness which is covering humanity and which has pervaded the Church.
g Let your priestly love be the sign of my motherly presence among you.

h Let your priestly love come down, as a heavenly dew, upon this poor humanity, sick and wounded, far from God, victim of a materialistic and atheistic civilization which is living under the slavery of sin, hatred, unbridled egoism and impurity.

i Let your priestly love be a soothing balm on the deep and bleeding wounds of these times of yours.
j Go out from this cenacle, and go into every part of the world, in search of my poor children who have wandered astray, and carry them all into the safe sheepfold of my Immaculate Heart. Take by the hand the children, exposed to so many dangers and victims of the subtle snares of my Adversary; give strength and courage to the youth in order to lead them away from the facile seductions of pleasure and impurity; be a support to married couples so that they may live in holiness and love, ever open to the gift of life, and thus be preserved from the great evil of divorce and abortion; bring back to the house of the Heavenly Father my many sinful children; bring assistance to the weak, comfort to the sick, hope to the despairing.

k Let your priestly love be the reflection of the love of the divine and merciful Heart of Jesus and of my Immaculate Heart, for this humanity which is so ailing.

l Let your priestly love come down like a heavenly dew upon the suffering and divided Church, which is carrying the cross towards the Calvary of its purification and its martyrdom.
m For this, I am asking you to be my very own motherly and merciful presence in the Church.
n Be a strong support for the Pope, and help him to carry his cross, which has become so heavy today.
o Help your bishops with prayer, with your love and with your good example.
p Above all, let your priestly love be a dew which soothes the deep wounds of many of your brother-priests, who are succumbing under the weight of the great difficulties of these times of the purification and the great tribulation.
q Judge no one. Love all with the tenderness of my motherly Heart.
r In this way, you become the precious instruments of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. You form thus the new heart of the new Church which I am forming in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart.
s The task, which you are undertaking and the work which you are carrying out to spread more and more, in your countries, my work of the Marian Movement of Priests, gives great joy to my Heart. Be zealous in multiplying everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have asked of you: among priests, among the faithful, and in families. In this way, you cooperate each day in the carrying out of my great plan of salvation and mercy.
t Go out from this cenacle, renewed by the Holy Spirit, as the courageous apostles of the second evangelization to which I am calling you. I am always with you. I am guiding you with certainty along the road which you have yet to travel.
u With those who are dear to you, and with all those who are entrusted to your care, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); August 15, 1992
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
The Rays of My Splendor
a "Look at the heavenly splendor of my body, assumed into the glory of paradise, beloved children, and walk with me towards the safe haven of your liberation, which is now close at hand.
b You are my joy and my crown. You are the shining stars which cause my royal mantle to shine still more brilliantly.
c And so I invite you to live with me, this day, together with the souls of the saints in paradise and with the blessed souls who are being purified in purgatory.
d Today, as they contemplate, in the light of paradise, the glorious and glorified body of your heavenly Mother, the angels and all the angelic cohorts exult; the saints of heaven rejoice; the souls who are being purified jump for joy; and the pilgrim and suffering Church, which is journeying through the desert of the world and of history, is strengthened in its hope and consoled in the midst of its many tribulations.

e Bring everywhere the balm of my motherly comfort. Spread my light in the deep darkness which surrounds you.
f You are the rays of my splendor.
g By means of you, I want these rays to be spread everywhere and to descend, as a heavenly dew, upon poor humanity, now in the possession of the Evil One, and upon my Church which is living the hour of its painful passion.
h Spread the rays of faith, in these times of great apostasy; of hope, in a world pervaded by materialism and by the ever worsening search for pleasure; of love, in the midst of the egoism and hatred and of a great indifference toward the weak, the poor and the suffering; of purity, amidst such widespread foulness; of silence, in the deafening uproar of voices; of prayer, amidst general dissipation; of humility, in the midst of such great pride; and of obedience, amidst such a vast rebellion.
i Cause the rays of my glory to descend everywhere, O you who are the shining stars of my bright and motherly mantle.
j In this way, you are forming the new Church; you are bringing together from all sides my children, called to form part of the little faithful remnant; you shorten the times of your most cruel slavery; you prepare hearts and souls to receive the Lord who is coming.
k On this day, when paradise is united to earth, I reaffirm you in my plan; I welcome you into the depths of my Immaculate Heart; I lead you with steadiness along the road of your liberation in order to attain, at last, the new heavens and the new earth."

Milan (Italy); September 8, 1992
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Your Priestly Fidelity
a "Beloved sons, you exult with all the Church on earth and in heaven, in contemplating the joyous mystery of the birth of your Mother.
b You gaze today upon your infant Mother, and around my crib, you lay down the precious crown of your priestly fidelity.
c Be faithful priests.
d Be faithful to your vocation, which binds you to be ministers of Christ and of his Gospel.
e Just as I was, from my earliest childhood, faithful to the call of God, by entering into his plan, a plan which He had for me from all eternity, so also must you be faithful to your priestly call.
f If you are little, you remain faithful.
If you are poor, you remain faithful.
If you are docile, you remain faithful.
g It is the task of your heavenly Mother to lead you all along the road of your priestly fidelity.

h - Be faithful to the ministry of the word.
i How numerous today are those priests who become victims of many errors. These errors are taught, disseminated and propagated under the form of new cultural interpretations of the truth. And thus they are easily accepted, and they lead a great number of my children away from the true faith.
j Yours are the times foretold by Holy Scripture. There are arising today many false teachers, who are teaching fables and leading the faithful away from the truth of the Gospel.
k You must always preach the Gospel of Jesus with courage and in its full literal sense. It is in this way that you remain in the true faith, and you help the little remnant to remain firm in the security of the faith in these times of universal apostasy.

l - Be faithful to the ministry of grace.
m Jesus has associated you intimately in the exercise of his eternal High Priesthood, in order to cause the divine gift of grace to descend into the souls of all the redeemed. This you accomplish through the administration of the sacraments, instituted by Christ as an efficacious means of communicating grace.
n Be faithful to the ministry of the sacraments, especially that of Reconciliation, which has the function of restoring grace to those who have lost it, because of mortal sins which have been committed. Today, this most precious and necessary sacrament is fading away within the Church.
o Pastors of the Church, bishops placed in positions of leadership by Christ for the guidance of his flock, open your eyes to this evil which is spreading throughout the whole Church like a terrible cancer. Intervene with courage and zeal, so that the sacrament of Reconciliation may again flourish in all its fullness; and thus, souls may be helped to live in the state of grace, and the Church may be healed of the bleeding wounds caused by sins and sacrileges, which cover it completely as though covering a leper.

p - Be faithful to the ministry of prayer.
q Jesus is constantly offering Himself and interceding before the Father, by means of you.
r In these times, how greatly prayer is being neglected by so many of my priest-sons! If you saw with my eyes how widespread and deeply imbedded within the Church is this, its interior wound, you too would shed copious tears with me. People no longer pray. They are absorbed in action. All apostolic efficacy is made to rely on activity and on pastoral programming. You forget that you can do nothing by yourselves and that it is Jesus Christ alone who, by means of you, works and saves. You forget that you are useless servants, that you are poor, that you are sinners.
s Return to prayer. Make the Eucharistic Jesus the center of your prayer, the secret of your life, the soul of your apostolic action.
r Today, I ask you to offer me the homage of your priestly fidelity, as a crown which you place about the crib in which I am being placed, at the moment of my earthly birth. And always be little, as is today your infant Mother.
u It is only in remaining ever little children that you succeed in being, in these last times, faithful priests."

Sant'Omero (Teramo, Italy); September 15, 1992
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Hour of My Great Sorrow
a "Beloved children, remain today with me, your sorrowful Mother, who have begotten you beneath the Cross, upon which my Son Jesus died for your salvation. I am the Mother of Sorrows.
b Enter today into the deep mystery of my desolation, in order to understand how my spiritual and universal motherhood is exercised,
c above all, in love and in sorrow: in love for all of you, my children; in sorrow for your sorrows, for the grave dangers which threaten you, for the many sufferings of these last times of the great tribulation.
d For this reason, the days through which you are living mark also the hour of my great sorrow.

e - It is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, my dearly beloved Daughter.
f How grievously the Church is suffering in these times, as she carries her great cross and climbs the bloodstained Calvary of her passion and her bloody immolation!
g Never before, as today, has the Church been made so utterly like my Son Jesus. She is like Him in solitude and abandonment; she is like Him in denial and betrayal; she is like Him in contempt and condemnation; she is like Him in her crucifixion and in her agony.
h This is the hour of my great sorrow for the Church, because the hour of her redemptive passion has come.

i - It is the hour of my great sorrow for humanity, so ill and so reduced to slavery by the spirits of evil.
j The diabolical powers are ruling the earth and producing everywhere the wicked fruits of their dark reign. And thus this humanity has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years of its redemption and of the first announcement of the Gospel of salvation.
k Faithlessness and impiety again cover it; sins wound it; evil poisons it; pride rules it; impurity seduces it; egoism and hatred enchain it; Satan reduces it more and more to slavery and reigns over you with his diabolical power.
l This is the hour of my great sorrow for all this poor humanity, under the control of the spirits of evil, because the hour of its great chastisement has now come.

m It is the hour of my great sorrow for you, my children.
n How heavy has the burden of your suffering become during these days! With tear-filled eyes, I look at the little children who have been led precociously into experiences of evil and sin; at the youth who have been ensnared and betrayed by the society in which they live, youth to whom false values have been proposed and who have now become victims of impurity and drugs; at the families who have become divided and destroyed; at the poor who are dying of hunger; at those who have been tortured and killed by wars; at the sick who are denied care and assistance; at the abandoned, the isolated, the despairing; at those who are in agony and those who are dying.
o As Mother, I am today at the side of each and every one who is groaning under the weight of their cross. Never do I abandon you; I am with you above all at the moment of your greatest need.
p This is the hour of my great sorrow for all of you, my poor children, because the time of your great suffering has come.
q Take refuge in me. Hasten to the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, because we must live together through the hour of the greatest trial, which has now come for you, for the Church and for all humanity."

Milan (Italy); October 2, 1992
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
The Announcement of the Three Angels
a "Today the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart are at your side, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me. This is their feast day. Honor them; call upon them; follow them; live always with them, they who have been given to you by the Heavenly Father as your guardians and protectors.
b Today is their time. This final period of the purification and the great tribulation corresponds with a particular and powerful manifestation of the angels of the Lord.
c You have entered into the most painful and difficult phase of the battle between the spirits of good and the spirits of evil, between the angels and the demons. It is a terrible struggle which is taking place around you and above you. You, poor earthly creatures, are caught up in it, and thus you experience the particularly powerful force of those snares which are set for you by the wicked spirits, in their attempt to lead you along the road of sin and evil.
d And so these are the times when the action of your guardian angels must become still stronger and continuous. Pray to them often; listen to them with docility; follow them at every moment.
e The cult of veneration and praise offered to the angels of the Lord must become more widespread and solemnly observed in the Church. For indeed, to them is reserved the task of making you the much-awaited announcement of your proximate libration.
f The announcement of the three angels should be looked forward to you by you with confidence, received with joy and followed with love.

g -Your liberation will coincide with the termination of iniquity, with the complete liberation of all creation from the slavery of sin and evil.
h What will come to pass is something so very great that it will exceed anything that has taken place since the beginning of the world. It will be like a judgment in miniature, and each one will see his own life and all he has done in the very light of God.
i To the first angel there befalls the task of making this announcement to all: `Give to God glory and obedience; praise Him because the moment has come when He will judge the world. Go down on your knees before Him who has made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.' (cf. Rev 14:7)

j -Your liberation will coincide with the defeat of Satan and of every diabolical spirit.
k All the demons and the spirits of the damned who, during these years, have been poured out into every part of the world for the ruin and damnation of souls, will be cast into hell, from which they have come, and they will no longer be able to do harm.
l All the power of Satan will be destroyed.
m To the second angel there befalls the task of making this announcement: `Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all the nations drink of the intoxicating wine of her prostitution.’ (cf. Rev 14:8)

n -Your liberation will coincide, above all, with the reward granted to all those who have remained faithful during the great trial, and with the great chastisement meted out to those who have allowed themselves to be drawn away by sin and evil, by faithlessness and godlessness, by money and pleasure, by egoism and impurity.
o To the third angel there befalls the task of announcing the great chastisement: `Anyone who worships the beast and its image, and accepts its mark on forehead or hand, will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his terrible judgment, and will be tormented with fire and sulfur, in the presence of the Lamb and of the holy angels. The smoke of the fire that torments them never ends. Anyone who worships the beast and its image and whoever accepts the mark of its name has no relief day or night.' (cf. Rev 14:9-11)
p At this final time of the great tribulation, announced as that of the end of the iniquity, of the defeat of Satan, and of the chastisement of the godless, the constancy of those who belong to the Lord, who put into practice the commandments of God and who remain faithful to Jesus, is put to a hard test.
q For this reason, I urge you today to be particularly united with your guardian angels, in prayer, in harkening to their voice, and in accepting with docility their sure guidance, along the road of goodness and holiness.
r In these stormy times, when Satan is ruling with all his dark power, the task of the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart is that of leading you all along the road of constancy and of fidelity to Jesus, in the observance of the commandments of God and in the practice of all the virtues.
s Today, together with your guardian angels, I bless you with the joy of a Mother who is consoled and ever more glorified by you.”

Blumenfeld (Germany); October 7, 1992
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Anniversary of the Victory of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lepanto
The Angel with the Key and the Chain
a "Today, you find yourself here at the center for my Movement in Germany, in order to hold a cenacle with the priests and the faithful who are consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. You are venerating me as the Lady of the Holy Rosary.
b The rosary is my prayer; it is the prayer which I came down from heaven to ask of you, because it is the weapon which you must make use of, in these times of the great battle, and it is the sign of my assured victory.
c My victory will be won when Satan, with his powerful army made up of all the infernal spirits, will be shut up within his kingdom of darkness and death, from which he will no longer be able to escape in order to do harm in the world.
d For this reason, there is to come down from heaven an angel to whom there is given the key of the abyss and a chain with which this angel will bind the great Dragon, the ancient serpent, Satan, with all his followers.
e An `angel' is a spirit who is sent by God to carry out a particular mission.
f I am the Queen of the Angels, because it is of the very nature of my role to be sent by the Lord to accomplish the very great and important mission of conquering Satan.
g In fact, from the very beginning, I was announced as she who is the enemy of the serpent, she who does battle with him, she who in the end will crush his head: `I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers. She will crush your head, as you attempt to bite at her heel.' (Gen 3:15)
h My offspring is Christ. In Him, who has carried out the work of redemption and set you free from the slavery of Satan, my complete victory is accomplished.
i And so, there has been entrusted to me the key with which it is possible to open and shut the door to the abyss. The key is the sign of the power which belongs to him who is lord and master of a place which belongs to him.
k In this sense, He who holds the key of the universe is the Incarnate Word alone, because all things have been made through Him, and therefore Jesus Christ is the Master and King of all the universe, namely, of heaven, of earth and of the abyss.
l My Son Jesus alone possesses the key of the abyss, because He Himself is the Key of David, who opens and no one can shut, who shuts and no one can open.
m Jesus consigns this key, which represents his divine power, into my hand because, as his Mother, Mediatrix between you and my Son, there is entrusted to me the task of conquering Satan and all his powerful army of evil. It is with this key that I am able to open and shut the door to the abyss.

n The chain, with which the great Dragon is to be bound, is made up of prayer made with me and by means of me. This prayer is that of the holy rosary. A chain has in fact the function of first of all limiting action, then of imprisoning, and finally of making ineffective every activity of the one who has been bound by it.
o -The chain of the holy rosary has first of all the function of limiting the action of my Adversary. Every rosary which you recite with me has the effect of restricting the action of the Evil One, of drawing souls away from his pernicious influence, and of giving greater impetus to the expansion of goodness in the life of many of my children.
p -The chain of the holy rosary has also the effect of imprisoning Satan, that is, of making his action impotent, and of diminishing and weakening more and more the force of his diabolical power. And so, each rosary which is recited well deals a mighty blow to the power of evil, and it represents one part of his reign which is destroyed.
q -The chain of the holy rosary brings about, in the end, the result of making Satan completely harmless. His great power is destroyed. All the evil spirits are cast into the pool of fire and sulfur; the door is shut by me with the key of the power of Christ, and thus they will no longer be able to go out into the world to do harm to souls.

r You understand now, my beloved children, why, in these last times of the battle between me, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, and the great Dragon, I am asking you to multiply everywhere the cenacles of prayer, with the recitation of the holy rosary, meditation on my word, and your consecration to my Immaculate Heart.
s With these, you make it possible for your heavenly Mother to take action in binding Satan, so that I may thus carry out my mission of crushing his head, that is to say, of defeating him once and for all, shutting him up in his abyss of fire and sulfur.
t The humble and fragile cord of the holy rosary forms the strong chain with which I will take as my prisoner the dark ruler of the world, the enemy of God and of his faithful servants. Thus the pride of Satan will once again be defeated by the power of the little, the humble and the poor.
u As I announce to you today that this, my great victory, is near at hand, the victory which will bring you to your assured liberation, I give you the comfort of my motherly presence among you, and I bless you."

Milan (Italy); October 13, 1992
Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima
Lift Up Your Eyes to Heaven
a " `Lift up your eyes to heaven,' l said to little Lucy at the end of my last apparition, which took place on the 13th of October, 1917, at Fatima in the lowly Cova da Iria. And she, turning to an immense multitude, invited all to look toward the sun. Then began that extraordinary phenomenon, seen by all with profound emotion, and described as `the miracle of the sun.'
b This was the confirmation of the truth of my apparitions. It vas the sign, intended to point out to all that your heavenly Mother had come down from heaven as the Woman Clothed with the Sun.
c Lift up your eyes to heaven, I repeat to you today, as you live out the events which were foretold to you by me at Fatima.
d - Lift up your eyes from the world in which you are living, so corrupt, so dried up with egoism, with hatred, with sin, and with such a vast impiety.

e - Lift up your eyes from this humanity, possessed by the spirit of Evil, which has built a civilization without God and which falls prostrate in adoration before the false gods of money and pleasure, of pride and haughtiness, of violence and impurity.
f - Lift up your eyes from the times in which you are living, from the painful purification and the great tribulation. These times of yours are wicked times, because the hearts of men have become wicked, closed, cold, hard and permeated with a great aridity.
g In these times, Satan has established his reign over your world and over this humanity, and he rules as sure master. The forces of evil, with the help of the dark powers of atheism and of Masonry, have attained their victory
h What must you do, my poor children, exposed to such great dangers and so loved and protected by your heavenly Mother?
i Lift up your eyes to heaven, because your liberation is near. From heaven, there will come to you the new era of light and holiness. From heaven, there will come to you the definitive defeat of Satan and of his whole powerful army of evil. From heaven, there will come to you Christ, in the splendor of his glory, riding on the white horse of his divine power.

j Today, as you observe the anniversary of the apparition of your heavenly Mother as the Woman Clothed with the Sun, I invite you all to lift up your eyes to heaven, because `in the opened heavens there appears a white horse. Its rider is called, "Faithful and True," because He judges and wages war in righteousness. His eyes are like a fiery flame, and on his head are many diadems. He has a name inscribed that no one knows except Himself. He wears a cloak that has been dipped in blood. His name is: "The Word of God." The armies of heaven follow Him, mounted on white horses, clothed in white of the finest pure linen. Out of his mouth there comes a sharp sword to strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, and He will tread out the wine press, which represents the terrible chastisement of God, the Ruler of the universe. He has his name written on his cloak and on his thigh: "King of kings and Lord of lords." ' (cf. Rev 19:11-16)
k Lift up therefore your eyes to heaven, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me, because, on the bright clouds, my Son Jesus will come to you, in the splendor of his glory, to establish in your midst his reign of love, of holiness, of justice and of peace."

Dongo (Como, Italy); November 2, 1992
All Souls Day
At the Hour of Your Death
a "Beloved sons, today you are gathered together in prayer, as you call to mind your brothers who have gone before you in the sign of faith and are now sleeping the sleep of peace.
b How great is the number of my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, who have now entered into the repose of the Lord!
c Many of them are sharing in the fullness of joy, in the perfect possession of God and, together with the angelic cohorts, are tights which shine in the eternal blessedness of paradise.
d Many are in purgatory, with the certainty of having been saved for ever, although still in the suffering of purification, because their possession of God is not yet full and perfect.
e Today I want to tell you that these brothers of yours are especially close to you and form the most precious part of my victorious cohort. I have but one single cohort, just as my Church is one and one alone, united in the joyous experience of the communion of saints.
f The saints intercede for you, light up your path, assist you with their most pure love, defend you from the subtle snares which my Adversary sets for you, and anxiously await the moment of your meeting.
g The souls who are being purified pray for you, offer their sufferings for your well-being, and through your prayers, they are assisted in being set free from those human imperfections which prevent them from entering into the eternal joy of paradise.
h Those saints who, while on earth, had lived the consecration to my Immaculate Heart, making up a crown of love to alleviate the sorrows of your heavenly Mother, form, here above, my most beautiful crown of glory. They are close to my throne and follow your heavenly Mother wherever she goes.
i Those souls in purgatory, who, while on earth, had formed part of my cohort, now enjoy a special union with me, feel in a special way my presence which sweetens the bitterness of their suffering and shortens the time of their purification. And it is I myself who go to receive these souls into my arms, that I may lead them into the incomparable light of paradise.
j Thus I am always close to all of you, my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Heart, during your painful earthly pilgrimage, but I am close to you in a most special way at the hour of your death.
k How many times, as you recite the holy rosary, have you repeated this prayer to me: `Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!' This is an invocation which I listen to with great joy, and it is always heard by me. If, as Mother, I am close to each one of my children at the hour of death, I am especially close to you who, through your consecration, have always lived in the secure refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
l At the hour of your death, I am close to you, with the splendor of my glorified body; I receive your souls into my motherly arms, and I bring them before my Son Jesus, for his particular judgment.
m Think of how joyful must be the meeting of Jesus with those souls who are presented to Him by his very own Mother! This is because I cover them with my beauty; I give them the perfume of my holiness, the innocence of my purity, the white robe of my charity; and where there remains some stain, I run my motherly hand over it to wipe it away and to give you that brightness which makes it possible for you to enter into the eternal happiness of paradise.
n Blessed are those who die close to your heavenly Mother. Yes, blessed, because they die in the Lord, they will find rest from their labors, and their good deeds will follow them.
o My beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, today I invite you to enter into a great intimacy with me during your life, if you wish to experience the great joy of seeing me close to you and of welcoming your souls into my motherly arms, at the hour of your death."

San Marco (Udine, Italy); November 22, 1992
Solemnity of Christ the King
An Oracle of the Lord
a "Beloved children, today you are participating in the great joy of the Church in heaven and on earth which, together with the choirs of the angelic hierarchy, prostrate themselves in an act of profound adoration before Jesus Christ, King of the universe.

b - Jesus Christ is King, because He is the Eternal Word, the only-begotten Son of the Father, the Image of his substance, the Splendor of his glory. Through Him all things have been creed, and thus everything which exists, apart from God, is subject to his royal and universal dominion.
c `An oracle of the Lord to my Lord: sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool. The scepter of your power to Lord stretches forth from Zion: rule in the midst of your enemies. Royal dignity is yours in the day of your strength, in sacred splendors; from the womb of the dawn, like dew, I have begotten you.' (cf. Ps 110:1-3)

d - Jesus Christ is King, moreover, because of his conquest. Indeed, at the moment of the Incarnation, the Word assumes human nature into his divine Person, and in this hypostatic union, humanity is raised to a personal communion with divinity itself.
e Through the work of redemption, accomplished on Calvary, Jesus frees the created universe from the slavery of Satan, to whom it has become subject because of the sin committed by the first man. This He Himself does, on the Cross, by paying the price due to divine justice.
f Thus the whole universe, redeemed from the Evil One and led back to a full communion of life with the Heavenly Father, belongs to the royal dominion of Christ and shares in his very plan as conqueror of sin and death, as Son of God, and as citizen of the heavenly Jerusalem.
g `I am the First and the Last, the One who lives. Once I was dead but now I am alive forever and ever, and I have power over death and over the netherworld.' (Rev 1:17-18)
h `To the victor who keeps my ways until the end, I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, and he will smash them like clay vessels, with the same authority that was given Me by my Father. And to him I will give the morning star.' (Rev 2:26-28)
i `I will never erase his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge him in the presence of my Father and of his angels.' (Rev 3:5)
j `The victor I will make into a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never leave it again. On him I will inscribe the name of my God, and the name of the holy city, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, as well as my new name. (Rev 3:12)

k Jesus Christ is King, because it pertains to his divine mission to bring the created universe back to the perfect glorification of the Father, purifying it with the burning fire of the Holy Spirit, in such a way that it may become completely freed of every spirit of evil, of every shadow of sin, and thus be able to open itself to the enchantment of a new earthly paradise.
l Then will the Father be glorified and his name be held holy by all creation.
m In this creation, renewed by a perfect communion of life with the Father, Jesus Christ will restore his reign of glory, so that the work of his divine redemption may attain its perfect fulfillment.
n The Holy Spirit will open hearts and minds, in such a way that all will be able to carry out the Will of the Father and the Son, so that, as in heaven so also on earth, the divine Will may be perfectly accomplished.
o To attain these new heavens and this new earth, it is necessary to pass through the painful and bloody trial of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the chastisement.

p My beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, listen to the words of your heavenly Mother, who is gently preparing you and leading you to live through these events, because the times which were foretold to you by the prophet Zechariah have now come.
q `An oracle of the Lord: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be completely scattered; and then I will turn my hand against the little ones.
r `An oracle of the Lord: In all the land, two thirds of them will be cut off and perish; and one third shall be left.
s `I will pass this third through fire; I will refine it as silver is refined, test it as gold is tested.
t `It will call upon my Name, and I will hear it; I will say:"This is my people.” And it will say: “The Lord is my God.” ‘ (cf. Zec 13:7-9)
u Today, as you celebrate the liturgical solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the universe, I urge you to render Him your homage, the homage of a heroic faith, of a sure hope, and of an ardent charity, in expectation of his glorious return, which will bring you to your approaching liberation.
v Because, as Holy Scripture attests: `Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, the ruler of the kings of the earth. Jesus Christ loves us and has set us free from our sins by the Sacrifice of his life. He has made us reign with Him, as priests at the service of God his Father. To Him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
w `Look! Jesus Christ is coming amid the clouds, and everyone will see Him, even those who killed Him; and all the races of the earth will mourn over Him. Yes, amen.
x `I am the First and the Last, says God, the Lord who is, who was and who is to come, the Ruler of all the universe. ' (cf. Rev 1:5-8)
y With the joy of a Mother, who sees herself more and more heeded and followed by her little children, along the road which has been pointed out by me, as Prophetess of these last times in which you are living, with my Son, Jesus Christ, today adored in the splendor of his divine royalty, I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Sant' Omero (Teramo, Italy); December 8, 1992
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
The Holy City
a "Today, you are contemplating me with joy, in the splendor of my Immaculate Conception. My beloved children, allow yourselves to be drawn by the immaculate light of your heavenly Mother, and run in the sweet wake of my heavenly fragrance.
b Because I am without sin, the Father has directed upon me his gaze of predilection; the Word has chosen me to become his Mother; and the Holy Spirit has united Himself to me with the bond of spousal love. I have thus entered into the very Heart of the Most Holy Trinity.
c Because I am without sin, the Divine Trinity has chosen me as Leader and Conqueror, in the terrible struggle against Satan and all the evil spirits.
d Because I am without sin, Jesus has associated me intimately, as Mother, in his plan of salvation and has made me the first collaborator in his work of redemption, entrusting to me, as Daughter, all humanity redeemed and saved by Him.
e I am therefore the Mother of Humanity. It pertains to my function as the new Eve and to my task as Mother, to bring all humanity back to the full communion of life with God, helping it to come to birth and to grow in grace and holiness.
f Therefore, it is my task above all to drive far away from you, from the Church and from humanity the dark shadow of sin and evil, in order to lead you all to the Holy City of purity and love.
g The light of this Holy City is the very splendor of the Father; the sun which gives warmth is the Immolated Lamb, from whose Heart come forth burning rays of fire and of love; the breath is the exhalation of the Holy Spirit, who gives life and rouses all creatures to their hymn of glory and celestial harmony.
h This is the task entrusted to your heavenly Mother.

i - The Holy City must first of all be established in the hearts and the souls, that is to say in the life, of all my children.
j This takes place when you turn away from all the seductions of evil and of the passions, and give place to the love of God, who brings you to live in perpetual communion of life with Him.
k You are thus set free from the slavery of sin and brought back to that experience of grace, of purity and of joy, which was the habitual state of life of Adam before he succumbed to the snare of the serpent and to his first fall.
l Then you will drink at the fountain, which springs forth from paradise; you will be conquerors over evil and over the Evil One; you will come into the possession of those blessings which the Lord has prepared for you; you yourselves will become children of the Most High.
m `From his throne, God spoke: "Now I am making all things new. That which I say is trustworthy and true. I am the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. I will give the water of life free to anyone who is thirsty. To the victors will befall this share of the gifts. I will be their God, and they will be my children. (cf. Rev 21:5-7)

n - The Holy City must also shine forth in the Church, purified of all its human weaknesses, set free from the stains of infidelity and apostasy, sanctified by its painful passion and its bloody immolation. Then the Church will once again be all beautiful, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of your immaculate Mother.
o In the Church, purified and completely renewed, there will shine forth in all its great power, the one and only light of Christ, which will be spread by it in every part of the earth, and thus all nations will run to it, for the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
p `The Spirit took me to the top of a great mountain which was very high, and the angel showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which is that of the Lord. It was coming down out of heaven from God. It gleamed with the splendor of God; its radiance was like that of a precious stone, like a gem, clear as crystal.
q `The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and to it the kings of the earth will bring their treasure. During the day its gates will never be shut, and there will no longer be any night there.
r `The treasures and the honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing unclean will be able to enter in, nor anyone who would do abominable things or commit sin. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.' (cf. Rev 21:10-11,23-27)

s - The Holy City shall, in the end, gather together that humanity which has been redeemed and saved, once it will have been set completely free from the slavery of Satan, sin and evil, by means of the purification, the great tribulation and the terrible chastisement.
t In these last times, the struggle against Satan and his powerful army, made up of all the wicked spirits, will become more bitter and bloody, because you are living under the heavy yoke of his universal reign.
u And so then, you understand how it pertains to my task as Woman Clothed with the Sun and as Conqueror of Satan, to bind the great Dragon and to cast him into his pool of fire, from which he will no longer be able to escape to harm the world.
v In this world, Christ will reign. Jesus will return in glory, to bring all creation back to the full splendor of his new earthly paradise.
w The sinful city will now have vanished, and thus all creation will open itself with joy to receive the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, come down out of heaven, the permanent dwelling place of God with men.
x `I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned to meet her husband.
y `A loud voice, which came from the throne, exclaimed: "Behold, the dwelling place of God with men; they will be his people, and He will be their God. God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more mourning, no more wailing, no more pain, because the old order has passed away."' (cf. Rev 21:1-4)

z Beloved children, today you are contemplating me in the splendor of my Immaculate Conception; allow yourselves to be drawn by the enchantment of your heavenly Mother, and follow me, in the wake of my sweet fragrance, in order to go with me to meet the Holy City, which will come down out of heaven, at the end of the painful purification and of the great tribulation in which you are living in these last times."

Dongo (Como, Italy); December 24, 1992
The Holy Night
The Morning Star
a "Beloved children, enter with me into the deep mystery of this holy night. Live it close to your heavenly Mother and to my most chaste spouse, Joseph. Live it in silence, in prayer, in humility, in purity and in love.
b I am opening for you the door of my Immaculate Heart, to have you enter and feel its beating, in these last instants which precede the birth of my heavenly Child.
c Each beat of my motherly Heart, in this holy night, becomes a sigh of expectation, a moan of desire, a spark of love, a prayer of quiet, a word with the Father, a transport of the Spirit, who comforts me in a profound ecstasy of life with paradise, which I see all enclosed in this poor cave.
d As night surrounds everything and deep darkness has come down upon the world, your heavenly Mother is penetrated with a most powerful light: my mind becomes absorbed in the splendor of eternal Wisdom; my Heart opens itself to the most ardent brightness of Love; my soul is penetrated by the ray of the fullness of grace and of holiness; my virginally inviolate body opens to the gift of my divine Son.
e With my motherly arms, I place in the squalid manger my heavenly Child, born in this night of deep darkness.
f But the stars shine brightly in the heavens, as the angels proclaim the song of celestial harmonies and the shepherds come to the cave to bring the homage of the simple, the poor, the pure of heart.
g Thus is the Infant Jesus comforted by the love which He receives from the little ones, even amidst the vast rejection of the great.
h And so, in the deep night which enfolds the world, the Morning Star opens to give you his light.
i My divine Child is the Morning Star, who shines with the very light of the Father, who brings his life into the desert of the world and of history, who gives a beginning to the new day for a redeemed and rescued humanity.
j `The true Light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. He came into the world which is his own, but his own people did not accept Him. A few however have believed in Him, and to these God has given the gift of becoming children of God. The Word became man and made his dwelling among us. We have contemplated his divine splendor. It is the splendor of the only-begotten Son of God the Father, full of grace and truth.' (cf. Jn 1:9-14)
k Beloved children, on this holy night, allow yourselves to be penetrated by his divine splendor, and become, you yourselves, witnesses and apostles of his light. Because the darkness is now becoming deeper, as the moment of the return of Jesus in glory draws closer.
l It is the darkness of the lack of faith and of apostasy, which has spread everywhere.
m It is the darkness of evil and sin, which has now obscured hearts and souls.
n It is the darkness of faithlessness and impiety, of egoism and pride, of hardness of heart and impurity.
o In this great night, the second birth of Jesus in glory is about to take place, a glory which, as morning star, will brighten up the dawn of the new heavens and the new earth.

p For this reason, I urge you today to fight and, together with me, to gain the victory in the great battle of these last times, to assure that you may ever remain faithful to Jesus.
q `Do not seal up the prophetic words of this book, for the appointed time is near. Let the wicked still act wickedly and the filthy still be filthy. The righteous must still do right, and he who belongs to the Lord must consecrate himself more and more to Him. I am coming soon, and I will bring with me the recompense which I will give to each, according to his deeds.' (cf. Rev 22:10-12)
r `To the victors, who carry out my Will until the end, I will give authority over the nations, as I myself have received it from my Father, and I will give them also the morning star.' (cf. Rev 2:26-28)
s `I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the Churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.
t `The Spirit and the Bride of the Lamb say: "Come!" And whoever harkens to these things says: "Come!" ' " (cf. Rev 22:16-17)

Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy); December 31, 1992
Last Night of the Year
The End of the Times
a "With docility, allow yourselves to be taught by me, beloved children. On this last night of the year, gather together in prayer and in listening to the word of your heavenly Mother, the Prophetess of these last times.
b Do not spend these hours noisily or in dissipation, but in silence, in recollection, and in contemplation.
c I have announced to you many times that the end of the times and the coming of Jesus in glory is very near. Now, I want to help you understand the signs described in the Holy Scriptures, which indicate that his glorious return is now close.
d These signs are clearly indicated in the Gospels, in the letters of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and they are becoming a reality during these years.

e - The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy.
f These errors are being propagated by false teachers, by renowned theologians who are no longer teaching the truths of the Gospel, but pernicious heresies based on errors and on human reasonings. It is because of the teaching of these errors that the true faith is being lost and that the great apostasy is spreading everywhere.
g `See that no one deceives you. For many will attempt to deceive many people. False prophets will come and will deceive very many.' (cf. Mt 24:4-5, 11)
h `The day of the Lord will not come unless the great apostasy comes first.' (cf. 2 Thes 2:3)
i `There will be false teachers among you. These will seek to introduce disastrous heresies and will even set themselves against the Master who ransomed them. Many will listen to them and will follow their licentious ways. Through their offense, the Christian faith will be reviled. In their greed, they will exploit you with fabrications! (cf. 2 Pt 2:1-3)

j The second sign is the outbreak of wars and fratricidal struggles, which lead to the prevalence of violence and hatred and a general slackening off of charity, while natural catastrophes, such as epidemics, famines, floods and earthquakes, become more and more frequent.
k `When you hear of reports of wars, close at hand or far away, see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many places. All this will be only the beginning of greater sufferings to come. Evildoing will be so widespread that the love of many will grow cold. But God will save those who persevere until the end.' (cf. Mt 24:6-8,12-13)

l - The third sign is the bloody persecution of those who remain faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel and who stand fast in the true faith. Throughout this all, the Gospel will be preached in every part of the world.
m Think, beloved children, of the great persecutions to which the Church is being subjected; think of the apostolic zeal of the recent popes, above all of my Pope, John Paul II, as he brings to all the nations of the earth the announcement of the Gospel.
n `They will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all because of me. And then many will abandon the faith; they will betray and hate one another. Meanwhile, the message of the kingdom of God will be preached in all the world; all nations must hear it. And then the end will come.' (cf. Mt 24:9-10,14)

o - The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who sets himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist. He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God.
p `This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God. The lawless one will come by the power of Satan, with all the force of false miracles and pretended wonders. He will make use of every kind of wicked deception, in order to work harm.' (cf. 2Thes 2:4,9-10)
q `One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this. Let the reader seek to understand.' (cf. Mt 24:15)
r Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel: `Go, Daniel; these words are to remain secret and sealed until the end time. Many will be cleansed, made white and upright, but the wicked will persist in doing wrong. Not one of the wicked will understand these things, but the wise will comprehend.
s `Now, from the moment that the daily Sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits with patience and attains one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.' (Dn 12:9-12)
t The Holy Mass is the daily Sacrifice, the pure oblation which offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down.
u The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at his Last Supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

v - The fifth sign consists in extraordinary phenomena, which occur in the skies.
w `The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; and the stars will fall from the sky; and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.' (Mt 24:29)
x The miracle of the sun, which took place at Fatima during my last apparition, is intended to point out to you that you are now entering into the times when these events will take place, events which will prepare for the return of Jesus in glory.
y `And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. All the tribes of the earth will mourn, and men will see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and splendor.' (Mt 24:30)

z My beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, I have wanted to teach you about these signs, which Jesus has pointed out to you in his Gospel, in order to prepare you for the end of the times, because these are about to take place in your days.
A The year which is coming to a close, and that which is beginning, form part of the great tribulation, during which the apostasy is spreading, the wars are multiplying, natural catastrophes are occurring in many places, persecutions are intensifying, the announcement of the Gospel is being brought to all nations, extraordinary phenomena are occurring in the sky, and the moment of the full manifestation of the Antichrist is drawing ever nearer.
B And so I urge you to remain strong in the faith, secure in trust and ardent in charity. Allow yourselves to be led by me, and gather together, each and all, in the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, which I have prepared for you especially during these last times. Read, with me, the signs of your time, and live in peace of heart and in confidence.
C I am always with you, to tell you that the coming about of these signs indicates to you with certainty that the end of the times, with the return of Jesus in glory, is close at hand.
D `Learn a lesson from the fig tree: when its branches become tender and sprout the first leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see these things taking place, know that your liberation is near."' (cf. Mt 24:32-33)

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